Theology Syllabi
Syllabi from 2016
332-01 Sacred Ground and the New Story (Fall 2016)
Leon Chartrand
338 538 Religious Education and Youth Ministry (Fall 2016)
Robert Schmitz
342-01-02 World Religions (Fall 2016)
George Barnard
345-02H The Challenge of Peace (Fall 2016)
John Sniegocki
345 The Challenge of Peace (Fall 2016)
John Sniegocki
351-01 Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures (Fall 2016)
Abie Ingber
351-01 Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures (Fall 2016)
Sarah Melcher
364 Religion in an Age of Science (Fall 2016)
Waleed El-Ansary
367-01 African-American Biblical Interpretation (Fall 2016)
Sarah Melcher
404 Religion, Ethics, and Professional Practice (Fall 2016)
Tim Severyn
491 691 Healing Deadly Memories (Fall 2016)
Arthur Dewey
524-01 Journey Through Christianity II (Fall 2016)
Kristine Suna-Koro
547-01 Ethics in a Time of Planetary Crisis (Fall 2016)
John Sniegocki
CORE 100-38 Life & Death in the Gospels (Fall 2016)
Arthur Dewey
CORE 100-39 The Greater Good: From Service to Solidarity (Fall 2016)
Marcus Mescher
CORE 100-40 The Greater Good: From Service to Solidarity (Fall 2016)
Marcus Mescher
CORE 100-41-42 First Year Seminar: Black Literature and Faith (Fall 2016)
Christopher Pramuk
CORE 100-43 Technology, Transhumanism, and Transcendence (Fall 2016)
James Helmer
CORE 105-01 Justice from Athens to LA (Fall 2016)
C. Walker Gollar
CORE 105-02 Justice from Athens to LA (Fall 2016)
C. Walker Gollar
CORE 105-03 Justice from Athens to LA (Fall 2016)
C. Walker Gollar
Syllabi from 2015
THEO 111-01-06 Theological Foundations (Spring 2015)
K. Nicholas Yoda
THEO 111-07H Theological Foundations (Spring 2015)
Marcus Mescher
THEO 111-08 Theological Foundations (Spring 2015)
Leon Chartrand
THEO 111-09 Theological Foundations (Spring 2015)
James Helmer
THEO 111-10 Theological Foundations (Spring 2015)
Van Pham
THEO 111-11 Theological Foundations (Spring 2015)
Marcus Mescher
THEO 111-12 Theological Foundations (Spring 2015)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-13 Theological Foundations (Spring 2015)
James Riordan
THEO 111-14 Theological Foundations (Spring 2015)
Michael Lyons
THEO 111-15H Theological Foundations (Spring 2015)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-16 Theological Foundations (Spring 2015)
Mary Anne Bressler
THEO 111-17-18 Theological Foundations (Spring 2015)
Martin Madar
THEO 111-19 Theological Foundations (Spring 2015)
James Helmer
THEO 111-21 Theological Foundations (Spring 2015)
James Helmer
THEO 111-23-24 Theological Foundations (Spring 2015)
John Johnson
THEO 203-01 The Eastern Orthodox Church (Spring 2015)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 210 Christian Tradition II (Spring 2015)
Kristine Suna-Koro
THEO 217-01 Introduction to the Church Fathers (Spring 2015)
Andy Buechel
THEO 230-01 The Church After Vatican II (Spring 2015)
Martin Madar
THEO 245-01 God, Creation, Ecology (Spring 2015)
Leon Chartrand
THEO 245-02 God, Creation, Ecology (Spring 2015)
Leon Chartrand
THEO 252-01 Introduction to Christian Scriptures (Spring 2015)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 252-02C Introduction to Christian Scriptures (Spring 2015)
Lisa Monast
THEO 256-01 Theologies of Food and Farming (Spring 2015)
Elizabeth Groppe
THEO 256-02 Theologies of Food and Farming (Spring 2015)
Elizabeth Groppe
THEO 265-01 Gospel of Mark (Spring 2015)
James "Fred" Merritt
THEO 282-01H The Jesus Seminar (Spring 2015)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 290-01 Christian Doctrine Today (Spring 2015)
Elizabeth Groppe
THEO 291-01 Religious Dialogue in the Holy Land/Philosophy of Religion (Spring 2015)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 303-01H Christian Ethics: Methods and Questions (Spring 2015)
Marcus Mescher
THEO 306 Liberation Issues and Theology (Spring 2015)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 311-01 Faith and Justice (Spring 2015)
Adam Clark
THEO 311-02 Faith and Justice (Spring 2015)
Adam Clark
THEO 313-01 Christian Sexual Ethics (Spring 2015)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 319-01H Antisemitism: The Great Hatred (Spring 2015)
Michael Rapp
THEO 344-01 Human Person: Spiritual and Psychological Development (Spring 2015)
Van Pham
THEO 353-01 The Holocaust (Spring 2015)
Abie Ingber
THEO 368-01 Buddhism (Spring 2015)
Karen Enriquez
THEO 368-02 Buddhism (Spring 2015)
Karen Enriquez
THEO 503-01 Liberating Bible: Scripture and Justice for the 21st Century (Spring 2015)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 644-01 Human Person: Spiritual and Psychological Development (Spring 2015)
Van Pham
THEO 111-01S Theological Foundations (Summer 2015)
Martin Madar
THEO 114-04S Theological Foundations (Summer 2015)
Elijah Prewitt-Davis
THEO 313-10 Christian Sexual Ethicsq (Summer 2015)
C. Walker Gollar
CORE 100-37-38 God on Trial (Fall 2015)
Martin Madar
CORE 100-39 Digital Technology and Social Media: Do They Help or Hurt the Greater Good (Fall 2015)
Marcus Mescher
CORE 100-40 Digital Technology and Social Media: Do They Help or Hurt the Greater Good (Fall 2015)
Marcus Mescher
CORE 100-41-42 Black Literature and Faith (Fall 2015)
Christopher Pramuk
CORE 100-43 Passion in Action (Fall 2015)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 111-01-06 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
K. Nicholas Yoda
THEO 111-03 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
James Riordan
THEO 111-04-23 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Andy Buechel
THEO 111-05 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Julie Sweeney
THEO 111-08 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
John Sniegocki
THEO 111-09 The Ignatian Imagination (Fall 2015)
James Helmer
THEO 111-10 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Mary Anne Bressler
THEO 111-11 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Martin Madar
THEO 111-12 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Karen Enriquez
THEO 111-13 The Ignatian Imagination (Fall 2015)
James Helmer
THEO 111-14 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Anna Miller
THEO 111-15 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Hee-Kyu "Heidi" Park
THEO 111-16 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Marcus Mescher
THEO 111-17H Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Karen Enriquez
THEO 111-18 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Hee-Kyu "Heidi" Park
THEO 111-19 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 111-20 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Eric Thomas
THEO 111-21 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Kristine Suna-Koro
THEO 111-22 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Eric Thomas
THEO 111-24 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Alexander Hwang
THEO 111-25B Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
John Johnson
THEO 111-26A Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Elijah Prewitt-Davis
THEO 111-28 Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Alexander Hwang
THEO 111-30H Theological Foundations (Fall 2015)
Anna Miller
THEO 203-01 The Eastern Orthodox Church (Fall 2015)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 209-01H The Christian Tradition I (Fall 2015)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 209-02 The Christian Tradition I (Fall 2015)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 223-01A Sacraments Today (Fall 2015)
Emily Besl
THEO 261-01 Writings of Paul (Fall 2015)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 261-02H Writings of Paul - Honors (Fall 2015)
Arthur Dewey