Theology Syllabi
Syllabi from 1994
THEO 221-45H The Christian Vision of the Person - Honors (Fall 1994)
Judith Merkle
THEO 221-61 The Christian Vision of the Person (Fall 1994)
Judith Merkle
THEO 222 Christian Life and Celebration (Fall 1994)
Edward Carter
THEO 223-41-51 Sacraments Today (Fall 1994)
Brennan Hill
THEO 250 Introduction to Scripture (Fall 1994)
Unknown Unknown
THEO 251-21 Old Testament Theology (Fall 1994)
William Gartig
THEO 303-H Christian Ethics: Methods and Questions - Honors (Fall 1994)
Marie Giblin
THEO 310-25 Marriage and Family (Fall 1994)
Brennan Hill
THEO 311-51 Faith and Justice (Fall 1994)
Benjamin Urmston
THEO 315-15 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Fall 1994)
Alice Gerdeman
THEO 321-61 Meditation: Theory and Practice (Fall 1994)
Rosie Miller
THEO 321-82 Meditation: Theory and Practice (Fall 1994)
Rosie Miller
THEO 322-91 Black Church in Theology (Fall 1994)
Wayland Melton
THEO 331-35 Faith & Doubt in Modern Literature (Fall 1994)
George Traub
THEO 344 Far Eastern Religions (Fall 1994)
Joseph Bracken
THEO 346-83 Human Community: Needs & Rights (Fall 1994)
Thomas Choquette
THEO 390 Senior Seminar: Ideas and Methods (Fall 1994)
William Madges
THEO 403-11-21 Personal Ethics (Fall 1994)
Judith Merkle
THEO 429 Seminar: Religion and American Life (Fall 1994)
Mike Graham
THEO 504-83 Foundations of Scripture Study (Fall 1994)
Ruth Graf
THEO 657 Women Mystics (Fall 1994)
Gillian Ahlgren
Syllabi from 1993
THEO 111-21 Theological Foundations (Spring 1993)
Sara Crosset
THEO 111-42 Theological Foundations (Spring 1993)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-46 Theological Foundations (Spring 1993)
M Frey
THEO 111 Introduction to Theology (Spring 1993)
Rosie Miller
THEO 111 Introduction to Theology Honors (Spring 1993)
Brennan Hill
THEO 210 The Christian Tradition II (Spring 1993)
William Madges
THEO 222 Christian Life and Celebration (Spring 1993)
Edward Carter
THEO 250 Introduction to Scripture (Spring 1993)
Ruth Graf
THEO 262 The Community of the Beloved Disciple (Spring 1993)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 264-81 Synoptic Gospels (Spring 1993)
Mary Bookser
THEO 290 Theological Issues in Contemporary Film (Spring 1993)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 293-35 Jesus in Faith and Fiction (Spring 1993)
George Traub
THEO 304-34 An Ethical Inquiry Honors (Spring 1993)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 311-41/51 Faith and Justice (Spring 1993)
Benjamin Urmston
THEO 315-15 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Spring 1993)
Alice Gerdeman
THEO 315 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Spring 1993)
Christine Gudorf
THEO 322-45 The Eastern Orthodox Church (Spring 1993)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 325 Comtemporary Spirituality (Spring 1993)
Rosie Miller
THEO 340-15/35 American Church and Public Issues (Spring 1993)
Judith Merkle
THEO 341-61 Contemporary Protestant Theology (Spring 1993)
Michael Milliken
THEO 348 Saints and Heretics (Spring 1993)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 377-55 Church and Revolution (Spring 1993)
Thomas Bokenkotter
THEO 389 The Soul Seminar (Spring 1993)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 403-11/21 Personal Ethics (Spring 1993)
Judith Merkle
THEO 442 Religion and Ecojustice (Spring 1993)
Paul Knitter
THEO 518 Exilic and Post Exilic Prophets (Spring 1993)
Ruth Graf
THEO 540 Modern Catholic Social Teaching (Spring 1993)
Christine Gudorf
THEO 581-82 Faith & Doubt in Modern Literature (Spring 1993)
George Traub
THEO Understanding Catholicism (Spring 1993)
Brennan Hill
THEO 111-11 Theological Foundations (Fall 1993)
Mike Gable
THEO 111-12 Theological Foundations (Fall 1993)
Charles Gollar
THEO 111-16 Theological Foundations (Fall 1993)
Leo Klein
THEO 111-22 Theological Foundations (Fall 1993)
Sara Crosset
THEO 111-36 Theological Foundations (Fall 1993)
Charles Gollar
THEO 111-41-52 Theological Foundations (Fall 1993)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-42 Theological Foundations (Fall 1993)
Ruth Graf
THEO 111-46 Theological Foundations (Fall 1993)
Charles Gollar
THEO 111-55 Theological Foundations (Fall 1993)
George Traub
THEO 111-71 Theological Foundations (Fall 1993)
Jean Brosnan
THEO 111-94 Theological Foundations (Fall 1993)
Ann Boltz
THEO 111 Introduction to Theology (Fall 1993)
Robert Farrell
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Fall 1993)
Robert "Bob" Sauerbrey
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Fall 1993)
Nancy Bruns
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Fall 1993)
Paul Knitter
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Fall 1993)
William Madges
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Fall 1993)
Rosie Miller
THEO 209 The Christian Tradition I (Fall 1993)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 221-45 The Christian Vision of the Person (Fall 1993)
Judith Merkle
THEO 221-61 The Chrisitan Vision of the Person (Fall 1993)
Judith Merkle
THEO 233 Understanding Catholicism (Fall 1993)
Brennan Hill
THEO 255-21 Old Testament Prophets (Fall 1993)
Ruth Graf
THEO 257 Introduction to Western Holy Scriptures (Fall 1993)
Bill Gartig
THEO 262-31 The Community of the Beloved Disciple (Fall 1993)
Sara Crosset
THEO 262 The Community of the Beloved Disciple (Fall 1993)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 301-15 Social Teaching and American Life (Fall 1993)
Judith Merkle
THEO 303-31 Christian Ethics H (Fall 1993)
Charles Gollar
THEO 310 Marriage and Family (Fall 1993)
Brennan Hill
THEO 311-35-45 Faith and Justice (Fall 1993)
Benjamin Urmston
THEO 311-35-45 Faith and Justice (Fall 1993)
Benjamin Urmston
THEO 311-41-51 Faith and Justice (Fall 1993)
Fred Krammer
THEO 313 Christian Sexual Ethics (Fall 1993)
Lauren Renneker
THEO 315-11 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Fall 1993)
Alice Gerdeman
THEO 324-45 Russian Religious Mind (Fall 1993)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 331-35 Faith & Doubt in Modern Literature (Fall 1993)
George Traub
THEO 345 Introduction to Church Fathers (Fall 1993)
John Rettig
THEO 346-82 Human Community: Needs & Rights (Fall 1993)
Thomas Choquette
THEO 353 The Holocaust (Fall 1993)
Lewis Kamrass
THEO 390 Senior Seminar: Ideas and Methods (Fall 1993)
William Madges
THEO 535-83 Church in the World (Fall 1993)
Judith Merkle
THEO 567 Dialogue and Ecology (Fall 1993)
Paul Knitter
THEO 612-94 Individualism and the Common Good (Fall 1993)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 672 Theology and Culture to 1400 (Fall 1993)
Gillian Ahlgren
Syllabi from 1992
THEO 000 Marriage and the Family (Fall 1992)
Paul Knitter
THEO 111-11 Theological Foundations (Fall 1992)
Alice Gerdeman
THEO 111 Introduction to Theology (Fall 1992)
William Madges
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Fall 1992)
Ruth Graf
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Fall 1992)
Paul Knitter
THEO 222 Christian Life and Celebration (Fall 1992)
Thomas Choquette
THEO 235-45 Church in the World (Fall 1992)
Judith Merkle