Theology Syllabi
Syllabi from 1997
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Spring 1997)
Paul Knitter
THEO 203-41 Christian Mysticism (Spring 1997)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 203-51 The Eastern Orthodox Church (Spring 1997)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 206-15 Christian Worship (Spring 1997)
Leo Klein
THEO 210-H Christian Tradition II - Honors (Spring 1997)
William "Bill" Madges
THEO 222 Christian Life and Celebration (Spring 1997)
Edward Carter
THEO 231-31 African American Religious History (Spring 1997)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 231-41 African American Religious History (Spring 1997)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 247 The Spanish Inquisition (Spring 1997)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 250 Introduction to Scriptures (Spring 1997)
Ruth Graf
THEO 251-45 Old Testament Theology (Spring 1997)
William Gartig
THEO 269-35 Religion in Print: Scholars Seminar (Spring 1997)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 304-41 AIDS - An Ethical Inquiry (Spring 1997)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 306-NI Liberation Issues and Theolgoy (Nicaragua) (Spring 1997)
Mike Gable
THEO 312-UR Christian Health Care Ethics (Spring 1997)
Marie Giblin
THEO 313-45 Christian Sexual Ethics (Spring 1997)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 313-55 Christian Sexual Ethics (Spring 1997)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 315-45 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Spring 1997)
Marie Giblin
THEO 315-82 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Spring 1997)
Marie Giblin
THEO 316-83 History of Antisemitism (Spring 1997)
Michael Rapp
THEO 321-61 Mediation: Theory and Practice (Spring 1997)
Rosie Miller
THEO 329-83 Sacred Space (Spring 1997)
David Cave
THEO 331 Faith and Doubt in Modern Literature (Spring 1997)
Robert "Bob" Sauerbrey
THEO 333-35 Jesus in Faith and Justice (Spring 1997)
George Traub
THEO 337-35 God, Religion and Contempoary American Literature (Spring 1997)
James Schiff
THEO 352 Judaism: Customs, Practices, Beliefs (Spring 1997)
Judith Bluestein
THEO 355-61 Islam (Spring 1997)
William Gartig
THEO 364-25 Ecclesiastes (Spring 1997)
Joseph Bracken
THEO 502 Tradition and the Task of Understanding (Spring 1997)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 545 Mysticism East - West (Spring 1997)
Unknown Unknown
UNST 300 Service Learning in Nicaragua (Spring 1997)
Joseph Mulligan
THEO 111-31 Theological Foundations (Summer 1997)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Summer 1997)
Paul Knitter
THEO 203-91 Christian Mysticism (Summer 1997)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 210-19 Christian Tradition II (Summer 1997)
William "Bill" Madges
THEO 272 503 New Testament Ethics (Summer 1997)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 321-81 Mediatation: Theory and Practice - The Spirituality of the Mind (Summer 1997)
Rosie Miller
THEO 333-84 Jesus in Faith and Fiction (Summer 1997)
Joan Bosnan
THEO 657 Women Mystics (Summer 1997)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 111-11 Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
Mike Gable
THEO 111-15-25 Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
David Fisher
THEO 111-16H Theological Foundations - Honors (Fall 1997)
William "Bill" Madges
THEO 111-17 Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
Paul Knitter
THEO 111-22-31 Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
Rosie Miller
THEO 111-26-36 Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
Gary Agee
THEO 111-27 Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 111-32 Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-41H Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 111-42 Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-42 Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
Robert "Bob" Sauerbrey
THEO 111-43 Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 111-45 Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
Carol Gaeke
THEO 111-46 Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 111-61 Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
Joan Brosnan
THEO 111-62 Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
Ann Boltz
THEO 111-71 Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
Joan Brosnan
THEO 111-Mini Theological Foundations (Fall 1997)
Paul Knitter
THEO 205-51 The Eastern Orthodox Church (Fall 1997)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 206-15 Christian Worship (Fall 1997)
Leo Klein
THEO 208-41 Christian Mysticism (Fall 1997)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 209-H The Christian Tradition I - Honors (Fall 1997)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 217-55 Introduction to the Church Fathers (Fall 1997)
Nicholas Finke
THEO 222 Christian Life and Celebration (Fall 1997)
Edward Carter
THEO 226-55 Medieval Sex and the Family (Fall 1997)
John LaRocca
THEO 237-55 The Eight Great Crises of the Papacy (Fall 1997)
Thomas Bokenkotter
THEO 238-45-55 United States Catholicism: Past and Present (Fall 1997)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 251-51 Old Testament Theology (Fall 1997)
William Gartig
THEO 258-51 The Bible and Anti-Judaism (Fall 1997)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 270-11 Fundamentalism (Fall 1997)
Sara Crosset
THEO 282-35 The Jesus Seminar (Fall 1997)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 310-25 Marriage and Family (Fall 1997)
Brennan Hill
THEO 312 Chrisitan Health Care Ethics (Fall 1997)
Marie Giblin
THEO 316-83 History of Anitsemitism (Fall 1997)
Michael Rapp
THEO 322 Black Church in Theology (Fall 1997)
Gregory Ballard
THEO 325 Contemporary Spirituality (Fall 1997)
Rosie Miller
THEO 331-35 Faith and Doubt in Modern Literature (Fall 1997)
George Traub
THEO 353 The Holocaust (Fall 1997)
Lewis Kamrass
THEO 355-41 Islam (Fall 1997)
William Gartig
THEO 363 Ein Gott- Viele R eligionen (Fall 1997)
Paul Knitter
THEO 388 Theology and Ecology (Fall 1997)
Brennan Hill
THEO 390 Senior Seminar: Ideas and Methods (Fall 1997)
William "Bill" Madges
THEO 504-81 Foundations of Scripture Study (Fall 1997)
Peter Obermark
THEO 506 Foundational Issues in Christian Ethics (Fall 1997)
Marie Giblin
THEO 513-93 The Oral, Written and Electronic Gospel (Fall 1997)
Arthur Dewey
Syllabi from 1996
HIST 248 Reformation (Spring 1996)
John LaRocca
THEO 111-16 Theological Foundations (Spring 1996)
M. Frey
THEO 111-32H Theological Foundations - Honors (Spring 1996)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-55 Theological Foundations (Spring 1996)
George Traub
THEO 111-61 Theological Foundations (Spring 1996)
Mary Schoen
THEO 111-61 Theological Foundations (Spring 1996)
Joan Brosnan
THEO 111-83 Theological Foundations (Spring 1996)
Ann Boltz
THEO 111-BL-H Theological Foundations - Honors (Spring 1996)
William "Bill" Madges
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Spring 1996)
Ed O'Donnell
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Spring 1996)
Judy Muething
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Spring 1996)
Rosie Miller
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Spring 1996)
Robert "Bob" Sauerbrey
THEO 203-45 The Eastern Orthodox Church (Spring 1996)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 206-15 Christian Worship (Spring 1996)
Leo Klein
THEO 210-45 Christian Tradition II - Honors (Spring 1996)
William "Bill" Madges
THEO 210-H Christian Tradition II - Honors (Spring 1996)
William "Bill" Madges