Theology Syllabi
Syllabi from 2001
THEO 380-45 Comparitive Religious Ethics (Fall 2001)
Paul Knitter
THEO 380-45 Comparitive Religious Ethics (Fall 2001)
James Buchanan
THEO 390 Senior Seminar: Ideas and Methods (Fall 2001)
William Madges
THEO 391 Dialogue and Global Responsibility (Fall 2001)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 519-82 The Pentateuch (Fall 2001)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 595 Christian Eschatology in the US/European Dialogue (Fall 2001)
Joseph Bracken
THEO 688-29 Spiritiality and Transformation (Fall 2001)
Joan Chittister
Syllabi from 2000
THEO 000 Teilhard: Life and Vision (Spring 2000)
Brennan Hill
THEO 111-11 Theological Foundations (Spring 2000)
Ed O'Donnell
THEO 111-15 Theological Foundations (Spring 2000)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 111-17 Theological Foundation (Spring 2000)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 111-19A Theological Foundations (Spring 2000)
Ruthanne Niehaus
THEO 111-19B Theological Foundations (Spring 2000)
Karol King
THEO 111-26 Theological Foundations (Spring 2000)
Amy Merrill-Willis
THEO 111-29B Theological Foundations (Spring 2000)
Jackie Hartman
THEO 111-31-42 Theological Foundations (Spring 2000)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 111-36 Theological Foundations (Spring 2000)
Eunice Timoney Ravenna
THEO 111-41 Theological Foundations (Spring 2000)
William Madges
THEO 111-43 Theological Foundations (Spring 2000)
William Madges
THEO 111-46 Theological Foundations (Spring 2000)
C Walker Gollar
THEO 111-51H Theological Foundations (Spring 2000)
William Madges
THEO 111-52-62 Theological Foundations (Spring 2000)
David Fisher
THEO 111-55 Theological Foundations (Spring 2000)
Joan Brosan
THEO 111-82 Theological Foundations (Spring 2000)
Gary Agee
THEO 111-H Theological Foundations (Spring 2000)
Brennan Hill
THEO 203-51 The Eastern Orthodox Church (Spring 2000)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 205 Christian Mysticism (Spring 2000)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 206-15 Christian Worship (Spring 2000)
J. Leo Klein
THEO 210 Christian Tradition II (Spring 2000)
William Madges
THEO 213-61 Contemorary Protestant Theology (Spring 2000)
Joseph Bracken
THEO 222 Christian Life and Celebration (Spring 2000)
Edward Carter
THEO 223-21 Sacraments Today (Spring 2000)
Ann Boltz
THEO 230-35-45 Church after Vatican II (Spring 2000)
David Fisher
THEO 245 God, Creation, and Ecology (Spring 2000)
Robert Sauerbrey
THEO 250-11 Introduction to Scripture (Spring 2000)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 250-29A Introduction to Scripture (Spring 2000)
John Poirier
THEO 250-31 Introduction to Scripture (Spring 2000)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 262 The Community of the Beloved Disciple (Spring 2000)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 282-25 The Jesus Seminar (Spring 2000)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 290-45 Sacraments (Spring 2000)
Robert Hater
THEO 303-31 Christian Ethics (Spring 2000)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 303-41 Christian Ethics (Spring 2000)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 306 Liberation Issues & Theology (Spring 2000)
Mike Gable
THEO 311-55 Faith and Justice (Spring 2000)
Thomas Bokenkotter
THEO 311 Faith & Justice Course (Spring 2000)
Louise Aker
THEO 315 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Spring 2000)
Alice Gerdeman
THEO 317 The Challenges of Peace in the Contemporary World (Spring 2000)
John McCann
THEO 322-15 Black Church Theology (Spring 2000)
C Walker Gollar
THEO 322-25 Black Church Theology (Spring 2000)
C Walker Gollar
THEO 325 Contemporary Spirituality (Spring 2000)
Rosie Miller
THEO 333-35 Jesus in Faith & Fiction (Spring 2000)
George Traub
THEO 352 Judaism: Customs, Practices, Beliefs (Spring 2000)
Richard Steinberg
THEO 364-11 Religion in the Age of Science (Spring 2000)
Joseph Bracken
THEO 389-55 Theology and Art: An Approach to Religious Reality through Aesthetic Experience (Spring 2000)
THEO 506-83 Foundational Issues in Christian Ethics (Spring 2000)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 522-84 Theology of Ministry (Spring 2000)
THEO 579 Ministry with Youth (Spring 2000)
C Walker Gollar
THEO 111-93 Theological Foundations (Summer 2000)
Karol King
THEO 205 Christian Mysticism (Summer 2000)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 250-83 Introduction to Scripture (Summer 2000)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 312-29A Christian Health Care Ethics (Summer 2000)
Marie Giblin
THEO 551 Meditation: Theory and Practice (Summer 2000)
Rosie Miller
THEO 657 Women Mystics (Summer 2000)
Gillian Ahlgren
SOCI 269-H Seminar: Popular Cultures - Honors (Fall 2000)
Kandi Stinson
THEO 111-12 Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Ann Boltz
THEO 111-15-25 Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Judy Muething
THEO 111-19A Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Karol King
THEO 111-26-47 Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Louise Akers
THEO 111-27H Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
William Madges
THEO 111-29B Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Jackie Hartman
THEO 111-35 Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Paul Knitter
THEO 111-36 Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
John Cooper
THEO 111-37 Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Eunice Ravenna
THEO 111-45-56 Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Brennan Hill
THEO 111-46 Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 111-51-61 Jesus Before Christianity (Fall 2000)
A Nolan
THEO 111-51-61 Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Amy Merrill-Willis
THEO 111-52H Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Walker Gollar
THEO 111-53-62 Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Joan Brosnan
THEO 111-61 Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Amy Merrill-Willis
THEO 111-63 Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Gary Agee
THEO 111-64 Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Susan Ernsberger
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Robert Sauerbrey
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Fall 2000)
Ed O'Donnell
THEO 203-41 The Eastern Orthodox Church (Fall 2000)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 205-51 Christian Mysticism (Fall 2000)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 205 Christian Mysticism (Fall 2000)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 209 The Christian Tradition I (Fall 2000)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 222 Christian Life and Celebration (Fall 2000)
Edward Carter
THEO 230-31 Church After Vatican II (Fall 2000)
Louise Akers
THEO 233-93 Understanding Catholicism (Fall 2000)
Jackie Hartman
THEO 238-15 U.S. Catholicism: Past and Present (Fall 2000)
Walker Gollar
THEO 250-11 Introduction to Scripture (Fall 2000)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 250-31H Introduction to Scripture (Fall 2000)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 250-71 Introduction to Scripture (Fall 2000)
TM Stager
THEO 251-35 Old Testament Theology (Fall 2000)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 251 Old Testament Theology (Fall 2000)
Peter Obermark
THEO 261-21 The Writings of Paul (Fall 2000)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 261-51 The Writings of Paul (Fall 2000)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 273-35 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew (Fall 2000)
Sarah Melcher