Theology Syllabi
Syllabi from 2001
THEO 111-36 Theological Foundations (Spring 2001)
John Cooper
THEO 111-41H Theological Foundations - Honors (Spring 2001)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 111-42 Theological Foundations (Spring 2001)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 111-45 Theological Foundations (Spring 2001)
Paul Knitter
THEO 111-46 Theological Foundations (Spring 2001)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 111-51 Theological Foundations (Spring 2001)
Brennan Hill
THEO 111-55 Theological Foundations (Spring 2001)
Paul Knitter
THEO 111-61 Theological Foundations (Spring 2001)
Gary Agee
THEO 111 Theological Foundations: an E/RS focus (Spring 2001)
Robert Sauerbrey
THEO 203-41 The Eastern Orthodox Church (Spring 2001)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 203-51 The Eastern Orthodox Church (Spring 2001)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 210 Christian Tradition II (Spring 2001)
William Madges
THEO 213-15 Contemporary Protestant Theology (Spring 2001)
Ethan Raath
THEO 213-94 Contemporary Protestant Theology (Spring 2001)
Ethan Raath
THEO 223-45 Sacraments Today (Spring 2001)
Ann Boltz
THEO 223-55 Sacraments Today (Spring 2001)
Ann Boltz
THEO 230 Church After Vatican II (Spring 2001)
Louise Akers
THEO 248 English Reformation (Spring 2001)
John LaRocca
THEO 249-31 God in Evolution (Spring 2001)
Joseph Bracken
THEO 250-11H Introduction to Scripture - Honors (Spring 2001)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 251-55 Old Testament Theology (Spring 2001)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 251-82 Old Testament Theology (Spring 2001)
A Merrill-Willis
THEO 254-25 Scripture in Emancipatory Perspectives: Reading Scripture for Liberation (Spring 2001)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 255-25 Old Testament Prophets (Spring 2001)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 266-41-51 The Gospel of Matthew (Spring 2001)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 282-21 The Jesus Seminar (Spring 2001)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 288 Theology and Historical Memory in Latin American Texts (Spring 2001)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 290 Christian Doctrine Today (Spring 2001)
THEO 311-01 Faith & Justice (Spring 2001)
Eunice Ravenna
THEO 311-02 Faith & Justice (Spring 2001)
Eunice Ravenna
THEO 311 Faith and Justice (Spring 2001)
Louise Akers
THEO 315-15 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Spring 2001)
Alice Gerdman
THEO 315 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Spring 2001)
Marie Giblin
THEO 316-61 History of Antisemitism (Spring 2001)
Michael Rapp
THEO 350-11 God on the Underground Railroad (Spring 2001)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 350-21 God on the Underground Railroad (Spring 2001)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 352 Judaism: Customs, Practices, Beliefs (Spring 2001)
Judith Bluestein
THEO 364-11 Religion in an Age of Science (Spring 2001)
Joseph Bracken
THEO 388 Theology and Ecology (Spring 2001)
Brennan Hill
THEO 520 Survey of Chistian Doctrine (Spring 2001)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 551 Nature and Grace (Spring 2001)
THEO 111-21 Theological Foundations (Summer 2001)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 205 Christian Mysticism (Summer 2001)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 210-29 Christian Tradition II (Summer 2001)
William Madges
THEO 250-31 Introduction to Scripture (Summer 2001)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 311 Faith & Justice (Summer 2001)
Louise Akers
THEO 312-19 Christian Health Care Ethics (Summer 2001)
Marie Giblin
THEO 111-11 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
Ed O'Donnell
THEO 111-12 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
Elizabeth Groppe
THEO 111-15 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
Ethan Raath
THEO 111-16-25 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
Paul Knitter
THEO 111-16 Theoogical Foundations (Fall 2001)
Gary Agee
THEO 111-17H Theological Foundations - Honors (Fall 2001)
Jackie Hartman
THEO 111-21 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
Elizabeth Groppe
THEO 111-26 Honors Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
William Madges
THEO 111-31-42 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
Louise Akers
THEO 111-32 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 111-35 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
Marie Giblin
THEO 111-36 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
Jackie Hartman
THEO 111-37 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
John Cooper
THEO 111-41 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-46 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
John Sniegocki
THEO 111-51 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-52 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
John Sniegocki
THEO 111-55 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
Eunice Timoney Ravenna
THEO 111-56 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
Jackie Hartman
THEO 111-62 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
Joan Brosnan
THEO 111-71 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
Joan Brosnan
THEO 111-91 Theological Foundations (Fall 2001)
Robert Sauerbrey
THEO 205-51-41 Christian Mysticism (Fall 2001)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 209 The Christian Tradition I (Fall 2001)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 217-41 Introduction to the Church Fathers (Fall 2001)
Ed Cueva
THEO 223-45 Sacraments Today (Fall 2001)
Ann Boltz
THEO 223-55 Sacraments Today (Fall 2001)
Ann Boltz
THEO 230-19B Church After Vatican II (Fall 2001)
Louise Akers
THEO 230-61 Church After Vatican II (Fall 2001)
Louise Akers
THEO 232-51 Approaches to God (Fall 2001)
Elizabeth Groppe
THEO 233-83 Understanding Catholicism (Fall 2001)
Jackie Hartman
THEO 240-25 Early Christian Literature (Fall 2001)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 250-35 Introduction to Scripture (Fall 2001)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 255-45 Old Testament Prophets (Fall 2001)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 265-41 The Gospel of Mark (Fall 2001)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 273-21 Introduction to Bible Hebrew (Fall 2001)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 303-35 Christian Ethics- Honors Seminar (Fall 2001)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 310-25 Marriage and Family (Fall 2001)
Brennan Hill
THEO 310-25 Marriage and Family (Fall 2001)
Kelley Aud
THEO 311-25 Faith & Justice (Fall 2001)
Alice Mack
THEO 311-35 Faith and Justice (Fall 2001)
Nicholas Finke
THEO 311-55 Faith and Justice (Fall 2001)
Benjamin Urmston
THEO 315 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Fall 2001)
Alice Gerdeman
THEO 315 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Fall 2001)
John Sniegocki
THEO 321 Meditation: Theory and Practice (Fall 2001)
Rosie Miller
THEO 325 Contemporary Spirituality (Fall 2001)
Rosie Miller
THEO 326-81 Women and World Religion (Fall 2001)
Joan Chittister
THEO 329 Religious Heroes (Fall 2001)
Brennan Hill
THEO 333-35 Jesus in Faith & Fiction (Fall 2001)
George Traub
THEO 334 Prophets of Nonviolence (Fall 2001)
Rosie Miller
THEO 344 Far Eastern Religions (Fall 2001)
Joseph Bracken
THEO 345 The Challenge of Peace in the Contemporary World (Fall 2001)
Paul Knitter
THEO 353 The Holocaust (Fall 2001)
Lewis Kamrass