Theology Syllabi
Syllabi from 2002
THEO 230-61 Church After Vatican II (Spring 2002)
Louise Akers
THEO 233 Understanding Catholicism (Spring 2002)
Jackie Hartman
THEO 233 Understanding Catholicism (Spring 2002)
John Cooper
THEO 250-31 Introduction to Scripture- Honors (Spring 2002)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 255-41-51 Old Testament Prophets (Spring 2002)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 261 The Writings of Paul (Spring 2002)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 262 The Community of the Beloved Disciple (Spring 2002)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 267-25 African-American Biblical Interpretation (Spring 2002)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 275 The Scroll of Revelation (Spring 2002)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 280-31 Readings in Biblical Hebrew (Spring 2002)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 290-61 Christian Doctrine Today (Spring 2002)
Elizabeth Groppe
THEO 303-35 Christian Ethics (Spring 2002)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 311-29A Faith and Justice (Spring 2002)
Mike Gable
THEO 311-35 Faith & Justice (Spring 2002)
Louise Akers
THEO 311-41-51 Faith & Justice (Spring 2002)
Alice Mack
THEO 311 Faith & Justice (Spring 2002)
Eunice Ravenna
THEO 312-84 Christian Health Care Ethics (Spring 2002)
Marie Giblin
THEO 315-2 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Spring 2002)
John Sniegocki
THEO 315-45 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Spring 2002)
John Sniegocki
THEO 316 Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Exploration (Spring 2002)
Paul Knitter
THEO 336-61 Spirituality and Healing (Spring 2002)
Rosie Miller
THEO 336-81 Spirituality and Healing (Spring 2002)
Rosie Miller
THEO 346-51 Human Community: Needs and Rights (Spring 2002)
Unkown Unkown
THEO 350-15 God on the Underground Railroad (Spring 2002)
C. "Walker" Gollar
THEO 350-25 God on the Underground Railroad (Spring 2002)
C. "Walker" Gollar
THEO 352-15 Judaism: Customs, Practices, Beliefs (Spring 2002)
Judith Bluestein
THEO 353-11 The Holocaust (Spring 2002)
Marth Kollstedt
THEO 388 Theology- Ecology (Spring 2002)
Jackie Hartman
THEO 424 464 Cosmology in Science and Religion (Spring 2002)
Joseph Bracken
THEO 536 Theology of the Holy Spirit (Spring 2002)
Elizabeth Groppe
THEO 540-83 Modern Catholic Social Teaching (Spring 2002)
Unkown Unkown
THEO 544-82 Health Care Ethics (Spring 2002)
Marie Giblin
THEO 630 Vatican II (Spring 2002)
Louise Akers
THEO 111-84 Theological Foundations (Summer 2002)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Summer 2002)
Paul Knitter
THEO 233-29B Understanding Catholicism (Summer 2002)
Jackie Hartman
THEO 266-91 The Gospel of Matthew (Summer 2002)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 311 Faith & Justice (Summer 2002)
Louise Akers
THEO 321 Theory and Practice of Prayer and Meditation (Summer 2002)
Ruthanne Niehaus
THEO 566 Mysticism and Scripture (Summer 2002)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 573 Catholicity, Pluralism, and Dissent (Summer 2002)
William Madges
THEO 111-12 Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
John Sniegocki
THEO 111-15 Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 111-16 Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
Jackie Hartman
THEO 111-19A Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
Karol King
THEO 111-19B Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
Karol King
THEO 111-21Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 111-22-31 Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
Rosie Miller
THEO 111-25 Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
Jackie Hartman
THEO 111-26 Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
Holly Toensing
THEO 111-32 Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 111-35-45 Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
Jonathan Tan
THEO 111-36 Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 111-41-51 Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
Elizabeth Groppe
THEO 111-42 Theological Foundations- Honors (Fall 2002)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-46-55 Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
Paul Knitter
THEO 111-47 Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 111-52 Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
John Sniegocki
THEO 111-56 Theological Foundations- Honors (Fall 2002)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-61 Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 111-62 Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
Alice Mack
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Fall 2002)
Pham Thanh Van
THEO 203-11 The eastern Orthodox Church (Fall 2002)
Stephen Kostoff
THEO 206-15 Christian Worship (Fall 2002)
Leo Klein
THEO 208 Mystery of Christ (Fall 2002)
Brennan Hill
THEO 209 The Christian Tradition I (Fall 2002)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 213-45 Contemporary Protestant Theology (Fall 2002)
Ethan Raath
THEO 213-84 Contemporary Protestant Theology (Fall 2002)
Ethan Raath
THEO 230-19B Church After Vatican II (Fall 2002)
Louise Akers
THEO 230-83 Church After Vatican II (Fall 2002)
Louise Akers
THEO 232 Approaches to God (Fall 2002)
Elizabeth Groppe
THEO 233-35 Understanding Catholocism (Fall 2002)
John Cooper
THEO 247-19A Grief and Dying- A Theology of Presence (Fall 2002)
Ruthanne Niehaus
THEO 247-19B Grief and Dying- A Theology of Presence (Fall 2002)
Ruthanne Niehaus
THEO 251-11 Old Testament Theology (Fall 2002)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 265-21 Gospel of Mark (Fall 2002)
Holly Toensing
THEO 265-51Gospel of Mark (Fall 2002)
Holly Toensing
THEO 267-61 African-American Biblical Interpretation (Fall 2002)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 289-35-45 The Death of Jesus (Fall 2002)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 295 Senior Seminar: Ideas and Methods (Fall 2002)
William Madges
THEO 303-35H Christian Ethics: Methods and Questions Honors (Fall 2002)
Marie Giblin
THEO 305 Seminar: The Sociology of Religion (Fall 2002)
Kandi Stinson
THEO 310-25 Marriage and Family (Fall 2002)
Brennan Hill
THEO 311-82 Faith & Justice (Fall 2002)
Eunice Ravenna
THEO 315-35 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Fall 2002)
John Sniegocki
THEO 321-61 Meditation: Theory and Practice (Fall 2002)
Rosie Miller
THEO 326-51 Women and Religion (Fall 2002)
Pham Thanh Van
THEO 340-25 American Church & Public Issues (Fall 2002)
Louise Akers
THEO 350-55 God on the Underground Railroad (Fall 2002)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 359 Confucianism & Taoism (Fall 2002)
Jonathan Tan
THEO 404 Religion, Ethics, & Professional Practice (Fall 2002)
Marie Giblin
THEO 504-87 Foundations of Scripture (Fall 2002)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 527-83 The Mystery of God and Suffering (Fall 2002)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 680-91 Comparative Religious Ethics (Fall 2002)
James Buchanan
Syllabi from 2001
THEO 111-11 Theological Foundations (Spring 2001)
Ed O'Donnell
THEO 111-15 Theological Foundations (Spring 2001)
Leo Klein
THEO 111-16-26 Theological Foundations (Spring 2001)
Judy Muething
THEO 111-16-26 Theological Foundations (Spring 2001)
Paul Knitter
THEO 111-19A Theological Foundations (Spring 2001)
Karol King
THEO 111-21-31 Theological Foundations (Spring 2001)
Rosie Miller