Theology Syllabi
Syllabi from 2007
THEO 319 Antisemitism: The Great Hatred (Spring 2007)
Michael Rapp
THEO 321-01-02 Meditation: Theory and Practice - Spirituality of the Mind (Spring 2007)
Rosie Miller
THEO 322-01 Black Theology (Spring 2007)
Adam Clark
THEO 322-02 Black Theology (Spring 2007)
Adam Clark
THEO 326 Women and Religion (Spring 2007)
Van Pham
THEO 334-01 Prophets of Non-Violence (Spring 2007)
Patrick Welage
THEO 334-29A Prophets of Non-Violence - Weekends (Spring 2007)
Patrick Welage
THEO 338 538 Religious Education and Youth Ministry (Spring 2007)
John Norman
THEO 338 Religious Education: Theory and Practice (Spring 2007)
Barry Mersmann
THEO 342 World Religions (Spring 2007)
Jonathan Tan
THEO 345 The Challenge of Peace in the Contemporary World (Spring 2007)
John Sneigocki
THEO 364-01 Religion in the Age of Science (Spring 2007)
Joseph Bracken
THEO 386 Spiritual Fantasies: From Tolkien to Miyazaki (Spring 2007)
Stephan Yandell
THEO 386 Spiritual Fantasies: From Tolkien to Miyazaki (Spring 2007)
David Loy
THEO 387 Theology and Animals (Spring 2007)
Elizabeth Farians
THEO 388 Theology and Ecology (Spring 2007)
Noel Williamson
THEO 501-TU Introduction to the Study of Theology (Spring 2007)
Edward Hahnenberg
THEO 520 Survey of Christian Doctrine I (Spring 2007)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 525-01 Theology of Christian Worshp (Spring 2007)
Leo Klein
THEO 610 Christian Ethics and Globalization (Spring 2007)
Marie Giblin
THEO 111-02 Theological Foundations (Summer 2007)
Elizabeth Groppe
THEO 111-29 Theological Foundations (Summer 2007)
Michael Daly
THEO 111-84 Theological Foundations (Summer 2007)
John Bruggeman
THEO 111-91 Theological Foundations (Summer 2007)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 255 Old Testament Prophets (Summer 2007)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 265-94 The Gospel of Mark (Summer 2007)
Aaron Saari
THEO 285-20 The Historical Jesus (Summer 2007)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 313 Christian Sexual Ethics (Summer 2007)
Jennifer Beste
THEO 315-91 Contemporary Ethical Issues (Summer 2007)
James "Fred" Merritt
THEO 332-W1 Jesus in Film and Theology (Summer 2007)
Edward Hahnenberg
THEO 334-84 Prophets of Non-Violence (Summer 2007)
Patrick Welage
THEO 543 Christian Mystical Tradition: Spiritual and Theological Resources for Lay Ministers (Summer 2007)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 549-84 Homosexuality and Biblical Interpretations (Summer 2007)
Holly Toensing
THEO 111-01-06-19-22 Theological Foundations (Fall 2007)
Jean Lim
THEO 111-02-08-14 Theological Foundations (Fall 2007)
Christopher Pramuk
THEO 111-03-11 Theological Foundations (Fall 2007)
Jennifer Beste
THEO 111-04-12 Theological Foundations (Fall 2007)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 111-05-13 Theological Foundations (Fall 2007)
Lauren Durst
THEO 111-07 Theological Foundations (Fall 2007)
Judy Muething
THEO 111-09 Theological Foundations (Fall 2007)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-10 Theological Foundations (Fall 2007)
Holly Toensing
THEO 111-15 Theological Foundations (Fall 2007)
Holly Toensing
THEO 111-16 Theological Foundations (Fall 2007)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-17 Theological Foundations (Fall 2007)
Aaron Saari
THEO 111-18 Theological Foundations (Fall 2007)
Noel Williamson
THEO 111-20-23 Theological Foundations (Fall 2007)
Jonathan Tan
THEO 111-21 Theological Foundations (Fall 2007)
Noel Williamson
THEO 111-24 Theological Foundations (Fall 2007)
Aaron Saari
THEO 111-25 Theological Foundations (Fall 2007)
James "Fred" Merritt
THEO 111-26A Theological Foundations - Weekend (Fall 2007)
Karol King
THEO 111-27B Theologial Foundations (Fall 2007)
Christopher Born
THEO 203-01 The Eastern Orthodox Church (Fall 2007)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 205 Christian Mysticism (Fall 2007)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 207-01 Jesus and Power (Fall 2007)
Adam Clark
THEO 208-01 Mystery of Christ (Fall 2007)
Judy Muething
THEO 208-02 Mystery of Christ (Fall 2007)
Judy Muething
THEO 209 The Christian Tradition I (Fall 2007)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 211 The Dead Sea Scrolls (Fall 2007)
Jeffrey Cooley
THEO 223 Sacraments Today (Fall 2007)
Emily Besl
THEO 232-01-02 Approaches to God (Fall 2007)
Lauren Durst
THEO 251-01 Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures (Fall 2007)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 251-02 Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures (Fall 2007)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 251-03A Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures - Weekend (Fall 2007)
Andy Riley
THEO 255-01-02 Old Testament Prophets (Fall 2007)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 256 Homosexuality and Biblical Interpretation (Fall 2007)
Holly Toensing
THEO 285-01-02 The Historical Jesus (Fall 2007)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 292-01B The Pentateuch (Fall 2007)
David Everson
THEO 295-01H Senior Seminar: Ideas and Methods - Honors (Fall 2007)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 303-01 Semianr: Christian Ethics: Methods and Questions (Fall 2007)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 310-01 Marriage and Family (Fall 2007)
Brennan Hill
THEO 310-01 Marriage and Family (Fall 2007)
Jennifer Beste
THEO 311-01 Faith and Justice (Fall 2007)
Alice Mack
THEO 311 Faith and Justice (Fall 2007)
Adam Clark
THEO 316 Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Exploration (Fall 2007)
James Buchanan
THEO 318 Church in a Consumer Culture (Fall 2007)
Ted Bergh
THEO 331 Faith and Doubt in Modern Literature (Fall 2007)
Bob Sauerbrey
THEO 334 Prophets of Nonviolence (Fall 2007)
Rosie Miller
THEO 343 Dialogue Among World Religions - Weekend (Fall 2007)
Michael Gable
THEO 353 The Holocaust (Fall 2007)
Lewis Kamrass
THEO 359 Confucianism and Taoism (Fall 2007)
Jonathan Tan
THEO 365-01 Problem of Evil (Fall 2007)
Joseph Bracken
THEO 367 Zen Buddhism (Fall 2007)
David Loy
THEO 372 Disability, Ethics and Theology Seminar (Fall 2007)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 372 Disability, Ethics and Theology Seminar (Fall 2007)
Abie Ingber
THEO 388-01 Theology and Ecology (Fall 2007)
Rosie Miller
THEO 388-02 Theology and Ecology (Fall 2007)
Rosie Miller
THEO 391 Dialogue and Global Responsibility (Fall 2007)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 404-Grad Religion, Ethics and Professional Practice (Fall 2007)
Marie Giblin
THEO 404-UG Religion, Ethics and Professional Practice (Fall 2007)
Marie Giblin
THEO 501-TU Introduction to the Study of Theology (Fall 2007)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 575 Theology and Ecology (Fall 2007)
Elizabeth Groppe
THEO 678-01 Christianity in the Americas (Fall 2007)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 683 Buddhism and Social Ethics (Fall 2007)
David Loy
Syllabi from 2006
THEO 111-03 Theological Foundations (Spring 2006)
Judy Muething
THEO 111-05 Theological Foundations (Spring 2006)
Edward Hahnenberg
THEO 111-07 Theological Foundations (Spring 2006)
Judy Muething
THEO 111-08H Theological Foundations - Honors (Spring 2006)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 111-09 Theological Foundations (Spring 2006)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-10 Theological Foundations (Spring 2006)
Brennan Hill
THEO 111-11 Theological Foundations (Spring 2006)
Holly Toensing