Theology Syllabi
Syllabi from 2009
THEO 233 Understanding Catholicism (Spring 2009)
Edward Hahnenberg
THEO 236 Jesuit Theology and Spirituality (Spring 2009)
Christopher Pramuk
THEO 245-02 God, Creation and Ecology (Spring 2009)
Elizabeth Groppe
THEO 245-03 God, Creation and Ecology (Spring 2009)
Elizabeth Groppe
THEO 247-01 God on the Underground Railroad (Spring 2009)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 252-01-02H Introduction to Christian Scriptures (Spring 2009)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 252 Introduction to Christian Scriptures (Spring 2009)
Judy Muething
THEO 255-01-02 Old Testament Prophets (Spring 2009)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 255-03B Old Testament Prophets - Weekend (Spring 2009)
Any Riley
THEO 267-01 African-American Biblical Interpretation (Spring 2009)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 280 Introduction to Biblical Hebrews (Spring 2009)
Jeffrey Cooley
THEO 281-01H The Jesus Seminar (Spring 2009)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 283-01 Jewish/ Christian Dialogue Today or a Search for Authenticity (Spring 2009)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 290 Christian Doctrine Today (Spring 2009)
Edward Hahnenberg
THEO 292-01 The Torah/ The Pentateuch: Jewish and Christian Perspectices on Its Literature (Spring 2009)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 311-02 Faith and Justice (Spring 2009)
Alice Mack
THEO 311-03 Faith and Justice (Spring 2009)
Adam Clark
THEO 313 Christian Sexual Ethics (Spring 2009)
Jennifer Beste
THEO 316 Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Exploration (Spring 2009)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 321-01 Mediation: Theory and Practice (Spring 2009)
Rosie Miller
THEO 321-02A Mediation: Theory and Practice (Spring 2009)
Rosie Miller
THEO 327 Bioethics: Jewish and Catholic (Spring 2009)
Marie Giblin
THEO 327 Bioethics: Jewish and Catholic (Spring 2009)
Jonathan Cohen
THEO 334-01 Prophets of Non-Violence (Spring 2009)
Patrick Welage
THEO 334-02 Prophets of Non-Violence (Spring 2009)
Patrick Welage
THEO 338 538 Religious Education and Youth Ministry (Spring 2009)
John Norman
THEO 340-01 U.S. Catholic Church and Public Issues (Spring 2009)
Jean Lim
THEO 345-02H The Challenge of Peace in the Contemporary World (Spring 2009)
John Sniegocki
THEO 345 The Challenge of Peace in the Contemporary World (Spring 2009)
John Sniegocki
THEO 352-01 Judaism: Customs, Practices and Beliefs (Spring 2009)
Michael Shulman
THEO 365-01 Problem of Evil (Spring 2009)
Joseph Bracken
THEO 368-01 Buddhism (Spring 2009)
Jonathan Tan
THEO 467-01 Seminar: Soviet and Russian Foreign Policy (Spring 2009)
Alexander "Sandy" Korros
THEO 520 Survey of Christian Doctrine I (Spring 2009)
Patrick Nugent
THEO 524-TU Survey of Christian Doctrine II (Spring 2009)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 527-01 The Mystery of God and Suffering (Spring 2009)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-29 Theological Foundations (Summer 2009)
Michael Daly
THEO 111-81 Theological Foundations (Summer 2009)
Aaron Saari
THEO 111-94 Theological Foundations (Summer 2009)
John Bruggeman
THEO 111 Theological Foundations (Summer 2009)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 225-19 Old Testament Prophets (Summer 2009)
David Everson
THEO 251-81 Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures (Summer 2009)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 255-84 Old Testament Prophets (Summer 2009)
Jan Gallagher
THEO 285-20 The Historical Jesus (Summer 2009)
Arthur Dewey
THEO 286-10 Jesus in Film and Theology (Summer 2009)
Edward Hahnenberg
THEO 313 Christian Sexual Ethics (Summer 2009)
Jennifer Beste
THEO 331-84 Faith and Doubt in Modern and Post-Modern Literature (Summer 2009)
Aaron Saari
THEO 337 Franciscan Spirtiuality (Summer 2009)
Gillian Ahlgren
THEO 342-01 World Religions (Summer 2009)
Jonathan Tan
THEO 342-02 World Religions (Summer 2009)
Jonathan Tan
THEO 568-81 Dialouge Among World Religions (Summer 2009)
Mike Gable
THEO 595-94 Christian Eschatology (Summer 2009)
Joseph Bracken
THEO 111-01-32 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Lisa Monast
THEO 111-02 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Leon Chartrand
THEO 111-03-10 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Christopher Pramuk
THEO 111-04 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Elizabeth Groppe
THEO 111-05 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Leon Chartrand
THEO 111-06 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Elizabeth Groppe
THEO 111-07-13 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Rosie Miller
THEO 111-08 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-10 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Noel Pedrotty
THEO 111-11H Theological Foundations - Honors (Fall 2009)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 111-12 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Kenneth Overberg
THEO 111-15 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Angela Erisman
THEO 111-16 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 111-17 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Rosie Miller
THEO 111-19 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Edward Hahnenberg
THEO 111-21 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Bob Sauerbrey
THEO 111-22 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Aaron Saari
THEO 111-24 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
James "Fred" Merritt
THEO 111-25A Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Karol King
THEO 111-25B Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Karol King
THEO 111-27 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Jean Lim
THEO 111-29 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Marie Giblin
THEO 111-30 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Noel Pedrotty
THEO 111-31 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Noel Pedrotty
THEO 111-33 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Jean Lim
THEO 111-34 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Angela Erisman
THEO 111-35 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Angela Erisman
THEO 111-36 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Mary Anne Bressler
THEO 111-37 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
John Birch
THEO 111-38 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Angela Erisman
THEO 111-39 Theological Foundations (Fall 2009)
Jennifer Morin-Williamson
THEO 173-01 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew (Fall 2009)
David Everson
THEO 203-01 The Eastern Orthodox Church (Fall 2009)
Steven Kostoff
THEO 206-01 Christian Worship (Fall 2009)
Leon Klein
THEO 207-01 Jesus and Power (Fall 2009)
Adam Clark
THEO 207-02 Jesus and Power (Fall 2009)
Adam Clark
THEO 209-01H The Christian Tradition I - Honors (Fall 2009)
C. Walker Gollar
THEO 211-01 Dead Sea Scrolls (Fall 2009)
David Everson
THEO 215-01 Christian Morality (Fall 2009)
Michelle Brady
THEO 217 Introduction to the Church Fathers (Fall 2009)
Jeffrey Cooley
THEO 223 Sacrements Today (Fall 2009)
Emily Besl
THEO 233-01-02 Understanding Catholicism (Fall 2009)
Edward Hahnenberg
THEO 251-01H Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures (Fall 2009)
Abie Ingber
THEO 251-01H Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures (Fall 2009)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 251-02 Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures (Fall 2009)
Sarah Melcher
THEO 251-03A Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures - Weekend (Fall 2009)
Andy Riley
THEO 255-01B Old Testament Prophets - Weekend (Fall 2009)
Andy Riley
THEO 255-01 Old Testament Prophets (Fall 2009)
Jan Gallagher