Social Work Syllabi
Syllabi from 2018
206-01 Introduction to Gender and Diversity Studies (Fall 2018)
Tyrone Williams
206-02 Introduction to Gender and Diversity Studies (Fall 2018)
Taj Smith
299-01 Child Welfare and Development (Fall 2018)
Shelagh Larkin
315-01 Values, Poverty and Society (Fall 2018)
Patrick Reynolds-Berry
320-01 Communication Skills Seminar (Fall 2018)
Jean Sepate
392-01 Theory & Methods of S.W. Practice I (Fall 2018)
Elizabeth Torrison
394-01 Theory and Methods of Social Work Practice III: Communities & Organizations (Fall 2018)
Jenna Hippensteel
417-01 Field Instruction SOCW (Fall 2018)
Shelagh Larkin
419-01 Senior Seminar SOCW (Fall 2018)
Shelagh Larkin
423 Research Methodology (Fall 2018)
Georgia Anderson
Syllabi from 2017
167-01 Survey of Society in Social Work (Spring 2017)
Tim Severyn
167-02 Survey of Society in Social Work (Spring 2017)
Dennis Long
206-01 Introduction to Gender and Diversity Studies (Spring 2017)
Margo Heydt
206-02 Introduction to Gender and Diversity Studies (Spring 2017)
Taj Smith
208 Economics of Society (Spring 2017)
Jaylene Schaefer
261-03 Social Psychology (Spring 2017)
Christian End
300 Adolescence to Older Adult Development (Spring 2017)
Scott Stephens
316 Social Policy and Contemporary Issues (Spring 2017)
Jaylene Schaefer
320 Communication Skills Seminar (Spring 2017)
Jean Sepate
325 Women/ Men, Myth and Reality (Spring 2017)
Jessica Donohue-Dioh
393 Practice III: Groups and Families (Spring 2017)
Jaylene Schaefer
418 Social Work Field Instruction (Spring 2017)
Shelagh Larkin
420-01 Social Work Seminar (Spring 2017)
Shelagh Larkin
420-02 Social Work Seminar (Spring 2017)
Jean Sepate
424 Research Paper (Spring 2017)
Jaylene Schaefer
206-02 Introduction to Gender and Diversity Studies (Summer 2017)
Taj Smith
299 Child Welfare and Development (Summer 2017)
Shelagh Larkin
318 325 Race Relations & Women/Men Myth and Reality (Summer 2017)
Jessica Donohue-Dioh
167-01 Survey of Society in Social Work (Fall 2017)
Dennis Long
167-02 Survey of Society in Social Work (Fall 2017)
Tim Severyn
167-03 Survey of Society in Social Work (Fall 2017)
Elizabeth Torrison
206-01 Introduction to Gender and Diversity Studies (Fall 2017)
Margo Heydt
206-02 Introduction to Gender and Diversity Studies (Fall 2017)
Taj Smith
299 Child Welfare and Development (Fall 2017)
Shelagh Larkin
315 Values, Poverty and Society (Fall 2017)
Shannon O'Neill
318 Race Relations: Trends in Modern Society (Fall 2017)
Jessica Donohue-Dioh
320 Communication Skills Seminar (Fall 2017)
Jean Sepate
352 423 Research Methodology (Fall 2017)
Jaylene Schaefer
392 Theory and Methods of Social Work Practice I (Fall 2017)
Jaylene Schaefer
394-01 Theory and Methods of Social Work Practice III: Communities and Organizationso (Fall 2017)
Jenna Hippensteel
417 Field Instruction (Fall 2017)
Shelagh Larkin
419 Senior Seminar (Fall 2017)
Jean Sepate
419 Senior Seminar (Fall 2017)
Shelagh Larkin
CORE 100-05 Health Care: Right or Privilege (Fall 2017)
Jaylene Schaefer
Syllabi from 2016
167-01 Survey of Society in Social Work (Spring 2016)
Tim Severyn
167-02 Survey of Society in Social Work (Spring 2016)
Dennis Long
206-01 Introduction to Gender and Diversity Studies (Spring 2016)
Margo Heydt
208 Economics of Society (Spring 2016)
Jaylene Schaefer
300 Adolescence to Older Adult Development (Spring 2016)
Shelagh Larkin
315 Values, Poverty and Society (Spring 2016)
Erica O'Connell
316 Social Policy and Contemporary Issues (Spring 2016)
Jaylene Schaefer
320 Communication Skills Seminar (Spring 2016)
Shelagh Larkin
325 Women/ Men, Myth and Reality (Spring 2016)
Jessica Donohue-Dioh
393 Practice II: Groups and Families (Spring 2016)
Jaylene Schaefer
418 Social Work Field Instruction (Spring 2016)
Shelagh Larkin
420 Social Work Seminar (Spring 2016)
Shelagh Larkin
424 Research Paper (Spring 2016)
Jaylene Schaefer
444 Addictive Behaviors (Spring 2016)
Margo Heydt
167-01 Survey of Society in Social Work (Fall 2016)
Dennis Long
167-03 Survery of Society in Social Work (Fall 2016)
Elizabeth Torrison
206-01 Introduction to Gender and Diversity Studies (Fall 2016)
Margo Heydt
206-02 Introduction to Gender and Diversity Studies (Fall 2016)
Taj Smith
261-04 Social Psychology (Fall 2016)
Lisa Gallagher
299 Child Welfare and Development (Fall 2016)
Shelagh Larkin
315-01 Values, Poverty and Society (Fall 2016)
Shannon O'Neill
318 Race Relations: Trends in Modern Society (Fall 2016)
Jessica Donohue-Dioh
352 Research Methodology (Fall 2016)
Jaylene Schaefer
392 Theory and Methods of Social Work Practice I (Fall 2016)
Jaylene Schaefer
394-01 Theory and Methods of Social Work Practice III: Communities and Organizations (Fall 2016)
Jenna Hippensteel
404 Religion, Ethics and Professional Practice (Fall 2016)
Tim Severyn
404 Religion, Ethics and Professional Practice (Fall 2016)
Margo Heydt
417 Field Instruction (Fall 2016)
Shelagh Larkin
419 Senior Seminar (Fall 2016)
Shelagh Larkin
CORE 100-05 Health Care: Right or Privilege? (Fall 2016)
Jaylene Schaefer
Syllabi from 2015
SOCW 167-01 Survey of Society in Social Work (Spring 2015)
Dennis Long
SOCW 167-02 Survey of Society in Social Work (Spring 2015)
Robert Daugherty
SOCW 206-01 Introduction to Gender and Diversity Studies (Spring 2015)
Margo Heydt
SOCW 206-02 Introduction to Gender and Diversity Studies (Spring 2015)
Margo Heydt
SOCW 208 Economics of Society (Spring 2015)
Jaylene Schaefer
SOCW 261-03 Social Psychology (Spring 2015)
Christian End
SOCW 300 Adolescence to Older Adult Development (Spring 2015)
Shelagh Larkin
SOCW 315-01 Values, Poverty and Society (Spring 2015)
Robert Daugherty
SOCW 316 Social Policy and Contemporary Issues (Spring 2015)
Jaylene Schaefer
SOCW 320 Communication Skills Seminar (Spring 2015)
Shelagh Larkin
SOCW 325 Women/ Men, Myth and Reality (Spring 2015)
Jessica Donohue-Dioh
SOCW 393 Practice II: Groups and Families (Spring 2015)
Jaylene Schaefer
SOCW 402 Child Abuse and Family Violence (Spring 2015)
Jessica Donohue-Dioh
SOCW 418 Social Work Field Instruction (Spring 2015)
Shelagh Larkin
SOCW 420 Social Work Seminar (Spring 2015)
Shelagh Larkin
SOCW 424 Research Paper (Spring 2015)
Jaylene Schaefer
SOCW 299 Child Welfare and Development (Summer 2015)
Shelagh Larkin
SOCW 315 Values, Poverty and Society (Summer 2015)
Margo Heydt
CORE 100-05 Health Care: Right or Privilege: or Obamacare and the Zombie Apocalypse (Fall 2015)
Jaylene Schaefer
SOCW 167-01 Survey of Society in Social Work (Fall 2015)
Dennis Long
SOCW 167-02 Survey of Society in Social Work (Fall 2015)
Vincent Costello
SOCW 167-03 Survey of Society in Social Work (Fall 2015)
Amanda White
SOCW 206-01 Introduction to Gender and Diversity Studies (Fall 2015)
Margo Heydt
SOCW 206-02 Introduction to Gener and Diversity Studies (Fall 2015)
Taj Smith
SOCW 261-01 Social Psychology (Fall 2015)
Stephen Fritsch
SOCW 299 Child Welfare and Development (Fall 2015)
Shelagh Larkin