Political Science Syllabi
Syllabi from 2010
POLI 347 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights (Fall 2010)
John Ray
Syllabi from 2008
POLI 120-01-02 Comparative Government (Spring 2008)
Diane Haughney
POLI 140-01-02 American Government and Politics (Spring 2008)
Mack Mariani
POLI 219-01 Irish Government and Politics (Spring 2008)
Timothy White
POLI 301 Political Philosophy (Spring 2008)
John Ray
POLI 347 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights (Spring 2008)
John Ray
POLI 361-01 Campaign Strategy and Persuasion (Spring 2008)
Mack Mariani
POLI 374-01 US Foreign Policy (Spring 2008)
Timothy White
POLI 374-02 US Foreign Policy (Spring 2008)
Timothy White
POLI 236 398 Presidential/ Congressional Campaign Internship & Poltitical Intership - TU (Summer 2008)
Mack Mariani
POLI 301-94 Political Philsophy (Summer 2008)
John Ray
POLI 235-01 Presidential Campaigns in Modern History (Fall 2008)
Gene Beaupre
POLI 235-01 Presidential Campaigns in Modern History (Fall 2008)
Brendon Cull
POLI 235-01 Presidential Campaigns in Modern History (Fall 2008)
John Fairfield
POLI 387-01 USSR 1917-1991 (Fall 2008)
Alexandrea "Sandy" Korros
Syllabi from 2007
POI 219-01 Irish Government and Politics (Spring 2007)
Timothy White
POLI 120 Comparative Government (Spring 2007)
Diane Haughney
POLI 140-01-02 American Government and Politics (Spring 2007)
J.T. Spence
POLI 209-01 Current Issuesin American Politics (Spring 2007)
J.T. Spence
POLI 230 Environmental Conflicts in Latin America (Spring 2007)
Diane Haughney
POLI 240-01 State and Local Government (Spring 2007)
J.T. Spence
POLI 320 Global Islamic Poltics (Spring 2007)
Anas Malik
POLI 323 Natural Rights Debated in Public: Equality and Consent in the Arguments over Slavery (Spring 2007)
John Ray
POLI 324-01 Legislative Politics (Spring 2007)
Eugene Beaupre
POLI 344 The Challenge of Peace in the Contemporary World (Spring 2007)
John Sniegocki
POLI 363 Abraham Lincoln and the Conditions of Freedom: Equality and Consent in the Debate on Slavery (Spring 2007)
John Ray
POLI 372 International Political Economy (Spring 2007)
Anas Malik
POLI 374-02 Political Science (Spring 2007)
Timothy White
POLI 120-90 Comparative Politics (Summer 2007)
Anas Malik
POLI 387-81 History of the USSR (Summer 2007)
Alexandra "Sandy" Korros
POLI 120 Comparative Government (Fall 2007)
Diane Haughney
POLI 140 American Government and Politics (Fall 2007)
Mack Mariani
POLI 224 Middle East Politics (Fall 2007)
Anas Malik
POLI 231 Social Movements in Latin America (Fall 2007)
Diane Haughney
POLI 241-01 Governing Cincinnati: The City, Community and Politics (Fall 2007)
J.T. Spence
POLI 277 International Relations (Fall 2007)
Anas Malik
POLI 280-01 Irish Political Culture (Fall 2007)
Timothy White
POLI 301 Political Philosophy (Fall 2007)
John Ray
POLI 308 Rousseau and the Good Life (Fall 2007)
John Ray
POLI 316 Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Exploration (Fall 2007)
James Buchanan
POLI 379-01H Revolution and Change -Honors (Fall 2007)
Timothy White
POLI 387-25 Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics (Fall 2007)
James McCann
POLI 390-01 Seminar: International Relations (Fall 2007)
Timothy White
POLI 391 Seminar: American Government (Fall 2007)
Mack Mariani
Syllabi from 2006
POLI 344 The Challenge of Peace in the Contemporary World (Spring 2006)
John Sneigocki
POLI 387-81 History of the USSR (Summer 2006)
Alexandra "Sandy" Korros
POLI 120-01-02 Comparative Government (Fall 2006)
Diane Haughney
POLI 140-01-02-03 American Government and Politics (Fall 2006)
J.T. Spence
POLI 224-01-02 Middle East Politics (Fall 2006)
Anas Malik
POLI 246 Mass Media and Politics (Fall 2006)
John Fairfield
POLI 246 Mass Media and Politics (Fall 2006)
Gene Beaupre
POLI 277 Introduction to International Relations (Fall 2006)
Diane Haughney
POLI 301-01 Political Philosophy (Fall 2006)
John Ray
POLI 340-01 The Presidency (Fall 2006)
J.T. Spence
POLI 347-01 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights (Fall 2006)
John Ray
POLI 379-01H Revolution and Change - Honors (Fall 2006)
Timothy White
POLI 390-01 Seminar: International Relations (Fall 2006)
Timothy White
POLI 390-02 Seminar: International Relations (Fall 2006)
Timothy White
Syllabi from 2005
POLI 140 American Government and Politics (Spring 2005)
John Ray
POLI 219-25 Irish Government and Politics (Spring 2005)
Timothy White
POLI 277 International Relations (Spring 2005)
Anas Malik
POLI 301-21-51 Political Philosophy (Spring 2005)
Jon Moulton
POLI 372 International Political Economy (Spring 2005)
Anas Malik
POLI 374-45 US Foreign Policy (Spring 2005)
Timothy White
POLI 374-55 US Foreign Policy (Spring 2005)
Timothy White
POLI 376-25 International Law (Spring 2005)
Jon Moulton
POLI 390-TU Seminar: International Relations (Spring 2005)
Timothy White
POLI 120-91 Comparative Politics (Summer 2005)
Anas Malik
POLI 140-84 American Government and Politics (Summer 2005)
John Ray
POLI 410-20 War and Peace in Literature and Film (Summer 2005)
Timothy White
POLI 120 Comparative Politics (Fall 2005)
Anas Malik
POLI 140-01 American Government and Politics (Fall 2005)
J.T. Spence
POLI 140-02 American Government and Politics (Fall 2005)
J.T. Spence
POLI 209-01 Current Issues: American Politics (Fall 2005)
J.T. Spence
POLI 224 Middle East Politics (Fall 2005)
Anas Malik
POLI 238 Population Trends and Analysis (Fall 2005)
K. Kabasele
POLI 277-01-02 International Relations (Fall 2005)
Jon Moulton
POLI 308 Seminar: Rousseau and the Good Life (Fall 2005)
John Ray
POLI 347 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights (Fall 2005)
John Ray
POLI 378 International Organizations (Fall 2005)
Jon Moulton
POLI 379-01H Revolution and Change - Honors (Fall 2005)
Timothy White
POLI 390-01 Seminar: Internatonal Relations (Fall 2005)
Timothy White
POLI 390-02 Seminar: Internatonal Relations (Fall 2005)
Timothy White
Syllabi from 2004
POLI 140 American Government and Politics (Spring 2004)
John Ray
POLI 212-73 Urban Administration and Public Policy (Spring 2004)
Gene Beaupre
POLI 277 International Politics (Spring 2004)
Anas Malik
POLI 301-21-51 Political Philosophy (Spring 2004)
Jon Moulton
POLI 320 Global Islamic Politics (Spring 2004)
Anas Malik
POLI 347 Civil Liberties and Civil Rights (Spring 2004)
John Ray
POLI 374-TU US Foreign Policy Tutorial (Spring 2004)
Timothy White
POLI 374 US Foreign Policy (Spring 2004)
Timothy White
POLI 376-25 International Law (Spring 2004)
Jon Moulton
POLI 390 Seminar: International Relations (Spring 2004)
Timothy White
POLI 387-81 History of the USSR (Summer 2004)
Alexandra Korros
POLI 410 War and Peace in Literature and Film (Summer 2004)
Timothy White
POLI 000 Mass Media and Politics (Fall 2004)
Gene Beaupre
POLI 000 Mass Media and Politics (Fall 2004)
Bob Cotter
POLI 120 Comparative Politics (Fall 2004)
Anas Malik
POLI 140 American Government and Politics (Fall 2004)
John Ray
POLI 277-25-45 International Relations (Fall 2004)
Jon Moulton