Philosophy Syllabi
Syllabi from 2011
340-01 Metaphysics (Spring 2011)
Timothy Quinn
363-01 Medieval Political Philosophy (Spring 2011)
Michael Sweeney
369-01 Augustine (Spring 2011)
John Wolfe
373-01 William James (Spring 2011)
E. Paul Colella
375-01 Seminar on Kant (Spring 2011)
Aaron Szymkowiak
391-01 Seminar: Heidegger (Spring 2011)
Richard Polt
404-01 21st Century Christian Philosophy (Spring 2011)
Daniel Dwyer
405-01 Kantian Ethics (Spring 2011)
Gabriel Gottlieb
405-02 Topics in Ethics: Shakespeare and Philosophy (Spring 2011)
Raymond Hain
405-03 Topics in Ethics: Nature of Animals and Our Obligations to Them (Spring 2011)
Andrew Hill
406-01 Topics in Political Philosophy: Modern Social Philosophy (Spring 2011)
Timothy Brownlee
100-01 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Mark Niswonger
100-02 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Evan Strevell
100-03 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Aaron Szymkowiak
100-04 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Gabriel Gottlieb
100-05 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Evan Strevell
100-06 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Eleni Tsalla
100-07 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Eleni Tsalla
100-08 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Aaron Szymkowiak
100-09 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Evan Strevell
100-10 Ethics as an Introductio to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Timothy Brownlee
100-11 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Steven Frankel
100-12 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Silvia Carli
100-13 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Richard Polt
100-14 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Mark Niswonger
100-15 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Timothy Brownlee
100-16 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Silvia Carli
100-17 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Mark Niswonger
100-18 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Steven Frankel
100-19A Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Daniel Jones
100-21 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
James Riordan
100-22 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Andrew Hill
100-23 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Andrew Hill
100-24 Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Andrew Hill
100-BL Ethics as an Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2011)
E. Paul Colella
290-01 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2011)
Matthew Dunch
290-02 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2011)
David Rodick
290-03 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2011)
David Rodick
290-04 Theory of Knowledge: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (Fall 2011)
Cyril Whitaker
290-05 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2011)
John Wolfe
290-07 Theory of Knowledge: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (Fall 2011)
Cyril Whitaker
290-09 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2011)
David Rodick
290-10 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2011)
Timothy Quinn
290-11 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2011)
Daniel Dwyer
290-12 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2011)
Matthew Dunch
290-13-18 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2011)
James Wood
290-14H Theory of Knowledge - Honors (Fall 2011)
James Wood
290-15 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2011)
Michael Sweeney
290-16 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2011)
Daniel Dwyer
290-17H Theory of Knowledge - Honors (Fall 2011)
Matthew Dunch
290-19A Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2011)
John Wolfe
301-01 Ancient Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Silvia Carli
302-01 History of Medieval Christian Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Michael Sweeney
317-01 Philosophical Anthropology (Fall 2011)
Mark Niswonger
321-01 Business Ethics (Fall 2011)
Timothy Brownlee
329-01 Bioethics (Fall 2011)
Robert Hurd
329-02 Bioethics (Fall 2011)
Robert Hurd
331-01 Philosophy of Religion (Fall 2011)
John Wolfe
331-2A Philosophy and Literture (Fall 2011)
Gary Blahnik
338-01 Enlightenment and Revolution (Fall 2011)
Steven Frankel
362-01 Ancient Political Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Eleni Tsalla
378-01 Vico (Fall 2011)
E. Paul Colella
379-01 Seminar: Nietzsche (Fall 2011)
Timothy Quinn
379-02 Seminar: Nietzsche (Fall 2011)
Timothy Quinn
399-01 Thesis Review (Fall 2011)
Gabriel Gottlieb
403-01 Topics in Modern Philosophy: Kierkegaard (Fall 2011)
Richard Polt
404-01 Critical Theory (Fall 2011)
Gabriel Gottlieb
404-02 Postmodern Philosophy (Fall 2011)
Daniel Dwyer
406-01 Topics in Political Philosophy: Natural Law and International Relations (Fall 2011)
Aaron Szymkowiak
406-02 Topics in Political Philosophy: Aristotle's Politics (Fall 2011)
Evan Strevell
Syllabi from 2010
100-01 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Raymond Hain
100-02 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Raymond Hain
100-03 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Raymond Hain
100-04 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Michelle Brady
100-05 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Steven Frankel
100-06 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Timothy Brownlee
100-07 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Timothy Brownlee
100-08 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Geoffrey Bagwell
100-09 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Eleni Tsalla
100-10 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Michelle Brady
100-11 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Eleni Tsalla
100-12 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Aaron Szymkowiak
100-14 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Steven Frankel
100-15 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Geoffrey Bagwell
100-16 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Raymond Hain
100-17 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Aaron Szymkowiak
100-19 Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Geoffrey Bagwell
100-27A Ethics As Introduction To Philosophy (Fall 2010)
Daniel Jones
100-BL Ethics an an Introducton to Philosophy (Fall 2010)
E. Paul Colella
100 Ethics (Fall 2010)
Gabriel "Gabe" Gottlieb
290-01 Theology of Knowledge (Fall 2010)
Andrew Hill
290-03 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2010)
Cyril Whitaker
290-04 Theology of Knowledge (Fall 2010)
Andrew Hill
290-05 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2010)
Felicia Alexander
290-06 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2010)
John Wolfe
290-07 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2010)
Cyril Whitaker
290-08 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2010)
Richard Polt
290-09 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2010)
Mark Niswonger
290-10 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2010)
Mark Niswonger
290-12 Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2010)
Mark Niswonger