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Capstone Abstract
Studies indicate that women in the U.S. experience higher rates of chronic illnesses and emotional distress while reporting dissatisfaction with their care when compared to similar countries (Gunja, 2018). Health conditions such as pelvic floor dysfunctions (PFD) affect 1 in 4 women across their lifespan (Dieter et al., 2015; Luber et al., 2001). Research shows that PFDs result in decreases in sexual activity, social outings, and quality of life, with increases in medical expenses, pain, and depression (Berzuk & Shay, 2015; Lamin et al., 2016). Occupational therapists are qualified to treat pelvic health issues, with training in behavioral/lifestyle modifications, mental health, and ADL participation (American Occupational Therapy Association, 2020). Unfortunately, women’s health is a niche area within OT with limited research. Thus, this doctoral capstone (DC) project aimed to distinguish the feasibility of integrating occupational therapy (OT) services into women's healthcare.
The DC elicited several important findings. First, the prevalence of PFDs in a sample of TriHealth patients was 83.5%, with only 2.2% of these participants utilizing pelvic health services. Most women’s health staff participants reported having insufficient time to diagnose/treat PFDs (12/19) and that patients would benefit from OT services (85%). Barriers to integrating OT services into OB/GYN clinics include a lack of space and billing changes. Potential benefits include increased TriHealth revenue, patient quality of life, and reduced provider burden. Finally, an evidence-based pelvic health and OT booklet was designed to improve patient outcomes after major urogynecology surgery. Overall, the DC aims to advance the field of occupational therapy by describing the need for these services and in what roles OT can be utilized to improve women’s healthcare.
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Key Terms
women’s health; pelvic floor; pelvic health; occupational therapy; feasibility; doctoral capstone
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Recommended Citation
Murray, Chandler, "The Feasibility of Occupational Therapy Services in Women’s Health" (2023). Occupational Therapy Capstones. 4.