The ORESME Reading Group will hold its 36th meeting at Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH, on Fri-Sat, September 30-October 1, 2016.

This meeting is dedicated to the work of René-Louis Baire (1874-1932), whose work on the conditions under which sequences of continuous functions produced continuous limits helped to introduce the new set-theoretic ideas of Cantor into analysis.

We will read Chapters 1, 4, and 5 of Baire’s Leçons sur les Fonctions Discontinues (1905), with an English translation produced by our Xavier colleague Richard Pulskamp.

Also available is an article by Roger Cooke, "Henri Lebesgue and René Baire, Three Books on Mathematical Analysis," in I. Grattan-Guinness (ed.), Landmark Writings in Western Mathematics, 1640-1940, Elsevier, 2005.


Submissions from 2005


Henri Lebesgue and René Baire, three books on mathematical analysis, Roger Cooke and Ivor Grattan-Guinness

Submissions from 1905


Leçons sur les fonctions discontinués, René Baire and Arnaud Denjoy


Leçons sur les fonctions discontinués (English translation), René Baire and Richard J. Pulskamp