Roger A. Fortin (audio, transcript)

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Dr. Roger A. Fortin continues in a long and distinguished career at Xavier University. He is an accomplished scholar, teacher, and writer. He has served Xavier University in various administrative positions, including those as Chair of the History Department, Dean of Edgecliff College of Xavier University, Interim Director of the McDonald Library, Associate Academic Vice President and lastly as the Academic Vice President and Provost.

Upon his stepping down from his position as Academic Vice President and Provost Dr. Fortin graciously agreed to be interviewed concerning his years at the University. In this conversation he imparts both personal information and his perspective upon the developments at Xavier over the years. Some topics include campus life during the turbulent 1960’s, the acquisition of the Edgecliff College campus, campus administration following the dismissal of Xavier President Fr. Charles Currie, S.J., the development of the office of Provost at Xavier University, critical historical Xavier institutional moments, and various influential Xavier administrators, teachers, and benefactors. Nearing the end of the interview he offers his perspective on Xavier in the future.

Dr. Fortin’s publications include To See Great Wonders, a history published for the 175th Anniversary of Xavier University and Faith and Action: a History of the Catholic Archdiocese of Cincinnati, 1821-1996.



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Transcript.pdf (179 kB)
