Barbara Trauth interview


Barbara Trauth


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Thomas Kennealy

Interview Date



Xavier University (Cincinnati Ohio), Dance of Tears, scuplture, artistic process, Edgecliff College, faith, religion

Interview Location

Cincinnati (Ohio)


Barbara Widmeyer Trauth graduated from Edgecliff College in 1969 with a bachelor of arts degree in fine arts. Trauth is a noted artist who has worked principally in the media of painting and sculpture. Her artwork has been exhibited at such places as the Cincinnati Art Museum, the Art Academy of Cincinnati, the University of Dayton, and the city hall in Nagasaki, Japan. She has received many commissions from churches and both corporate and private collectors.

In this interview Trauth talks about her experience as a student at Edgecliff College. She describes how her desire to create art developed and how deeply her religious faith and convictions have inspired her work. She describes in detail several of her sculptures and children’s books. In particular, she talks about Dance of Tears, the sculpture she donated to Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) which now stands in the McDonald Library garden. In addition to the description of the sculpture provided in the recorded interview, Trauth expressed to the University Archives that Xavier University President James Hoff’s interest in making Dance of Tears arose not only from the issue of abortion, but also out of his concern for the pain and suffering humans experience. His personal challenge of dealing with the death of his niece in the TWA crash in Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988 influenced his passion for Trauth's project. Trauth describes the process of creating the work and casting it in bronze.







Display Category

Moving Image

Item Identifier



Xavier University Oral History Collection


University Archives and Special Collections, Xavier University Library, Cincinnati, Ohio


Copyright belongs to Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio). The interview may be copied by individuals or libraries for personal use, research, teaching or any 'fair use' as defined by copyright law. Permission to reproduce materials in this collection for publication or distribution must be obtained from Xavier University Archives.

dance_of_tears_1999_01_access.jpg (108 kB)
Original garden for Dance of Tears, 1999

xuaoh2018_005_xu007_trauth_transcript.pdf (192 kB)
Transcript of Barbara Trauth interview



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In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted.