
New Trends in Marine Science Teaching: Leveraging Ocean Literacy Principles As a Framework for Delivering Concept Learning in a Cyber-Driven Classroom


With global changes taking place to our world oceans, there is a demand for both well-trained scientists and environmental educators who can offer learners a framework for understanding the connectedness of the oceans. The need is crucial for the next generation of citizens who will continue to face challenges related to a changing ocean as part of a changing planet. In NW Ohio, a landlocked state in the United States, there is as much a need for citizens to connect with the global oceans as a scientist working on tropical atoll. To be stewards of a global resource, all global citizens should feel they have a part in being stewards of the oceans. For the past three decades, many university students have been experiencing their connection through university level coursework in a novel and cyber-driven way. Using the Ocean Literacy Principles as a framework, pre and post testing revealed that a cyber-driven, open ended, discovery-based method of course delivery significantly (p < .001) increased understanding of the World Ocean and scientific concepts by over a standard deviation across all standards.

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