Risk Assessment Tool for Hospital Admission Criteria for Lung Cancer Patients

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When patients with cancer are undergoing treatment and become acutely or critically ill from either their cancer or side effects of chemotherapy, their condition could require hospitalization for optimal treatment. While oncologists are knowledgeable of risk factors that increase the odds or likelihood of hospitalization for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, at times other members of the medical team coordinating care and patients themselves are not aware or informed of clinical risk factors related to their disease and treatment that could put them at greater risk for hospitalization. The purpose of this project was to uncover contributing risk factors, that place patients at greater risk for hospital admission. Then to create a scoring tool that can place patients in moderate or high-risk categories for possible admission, for the medical team and patients themselves to be able to recognize if they are at a higher risk for hospital admission. This tool would better prepare patients for possible expectations with respect to their disease process and treatment and would allow the medical team to recognize patients who have a high risk for admission.


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