Submissions from 2024
Approaching the Utilization of Forensic Nurses in the Field of Medicolegal Death Investigation, Veronica Anderson
Standardizing Medicolegal Death Investigation with Electronic Record Systems and Documentation Templates, Peter Marquardt
Submissions from 2023
Breaking the Stereotypes and Integrating Male Nurses into Forensic Evidence Collection, Heather E. Barber
Self-Medication Practices of Survivors Experiencing Sexual or Physical Trauma, Melanie Dube
The Implementation of a Forensic Program in Southern West Virginia, Kara Ewing and Amy Gendron
Human Trafficking Education for Nurses, Kimberly Flores
Identifying Human Trafficking in the Healthcare Setting, Margo Fritsch
Can Civil Commitments Reduce Mass Killings?, Jacob Gibson
Trauma Informed Care in Critical Care Settings, Sherri King
Increasing Use of Trauma-Informed Care Amongst Nursing & Hospital Staff, Kathleen Pounds
Bridging the Gap Between Healthcare and Law Enforcement in the Field of Forensics, Jennifer Rogers
Suspect Examinations, Miranda Stevens
Submissions from 2022
Developing a Strangulation Protocol for an Emergency Department, Edrienne Besagar
Enhanced Tailored Pre-Operative Education to Reduce Surgical Cancellations, Rita Bykov
Enhancing the New Forensic Nurse’s Ability to Competently Complete Photographic Documentation During a Medical Forensic Exam, Danielle Fenton
Using a Pediatric Bruising Clinical Decision Rule in the Emergency Department, Christine Fontaine
Early Identification and Treatment of Anxiety in Primary Care, Mary Franke
A Proposal for Strengthening Nursing Knowledge of Health Care Law, Elizabeth Guth
Is Electronic Documentation More Effective Compared to Paper Documentation for SANE Examinations?, Makensee Hartman
The Fight Against Modern Slavery, Karalee Herweh and Rachel Sherry
Title of Work: Increasing Education on Nonfatal Strangulation to Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners, Sarah Levenhagen
Filling the Educational Gaps: Creating A Sexual Assault Clinical Education Program, Katherine Lockee
Evidence Collection on Comatose Patients: A Systematic Review of Ohio Law, Kristen Markos and Malia Roach
Building a Critical Incident Management Program in a Transfer Center Setting, Brandy Marsh
Improved Veteran Outcomes Diagnosed with Myocardial Infarction, Kristina Picciano
Increasing Knowledge of Forensic Evidence Collection in the Emergency Care Setting, Jamie Rickelman
The Vicarious Trauma Relief Program, Morgan Seehaver
Increased Use of Technology and Its Effects on Adolescent Behavior, Lauren Elizabeth Silvers
Risk Assessment Tool for Hospital Admission Criteria for Lung Cancer Patients, Megan Sullivan
Respect and Dignity for the Postmortem Decedent and Family, Leanna Thompson
Implementation of a Sexual Assault Response Team, Shemica Ward
Submissions from 2021
Screening for Human Trafficking in the Emergency Department, Megan Arzt
Developing A Telehealth Integrated Chronic Care Management Model for Type II Diabetes, Ryan Baumgartner
Implementing a Sexual Assualt Response Team (SART) in the Emergency Department for Pediatric Sexual, Erika Blaszczyk
SAFETY IN NUMBERS: Evaluation of Workload Scoring Pilot, Tracy Brennen
What Can Forensic Nurses do to Increase Justice in Sexual Offense Cases in Florida?, Christy Carollo
Enhancing the Accessibility of SANEs Using Telehealth Services, Jillian Chapman
Preconception Care in Primary Care, Michelle Cooney
Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Postoperative Pain After Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasties, Andrea Doherty
Fall Prevention: Increasing Awareness and Preventive Care in Older Adults, Opeolu Olufunke Fawole
Improving Physician Confidence in the Care of Adult and Adolescent Sexual Assault Patients, Domenica Flanagan
Second Victim Phenomenon in PICU Nurses at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Emily Rose Greis
Implementing a Type II Diabetes Support Group in a Primary Care Practice, Ashlee Harper
Medication Administration and Documentation Errors, James Alexander Harris
Be-SAFE: Responding to Opioid Overdose Victims Outside the Emergency Department, Christine Hassert
Improving Communication Skills With Pediatric Sexual Assault Victims, Alexis Camille Hatfield
Increasing Comfort of MyChart Patient Messaging in an Outpatient Oncology Clinic, Katherine Herdzik
Implementing Sexual Health Curriculum in a School-Based Health Center, Maria Hilton
The Use of Therapy Dogs for Victims of Sexual Assault During SANE Exam, Ashley Hobson
A Proposal to Implement Transitional Care Management in a Local Primary Care Practice, Madison Hubbard
Addressing the Effects of Emotional Stress on Nursing Performance Using the ProQOL Scale, Moirea Jasper
Improving Mental Health In Rural Communities With Resource Kits, Nicole King
Sepsis Response Team Education, Abbey Meister
Incorporating Forensic Education for Undergraduate Nursing Programs, Michelle Miller
The Fight to End Human/Sex Trafficking, Jaime Moore
Pressure injury prevention and management in cardiothoracic surgical patients: A family-centered approach, Alexandra Petit
Providing a Multi-Agency Unified Response to Sexual Assault, Deborah Potter
Implementation of a National TeleStroke Program: A Unit-based Staff Education Inititative, Leigh Ann Raymond
Education to Prevent Psychological Distress in ICU Patients, Casey Robinson
Timeless Escape: An Escape Room Activity Focusing on the Proper Use of the Timeless Breast Milk System, Abigail M. Ruffing
Human Trafficking and its Implications for Health Care Providers, Kayla Schrameck
Developing a Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) in a Rural Community, Ronique Sexton
Preceptor Workshop: Educating the Preceptor for More Effective Orientation, Corie Ann Silva
Addressing the Gaps in Community Resources and Support for Male Sexual Assault Victims, Samantha Solomon
How Identification & Therapeutic Communication Can Decrease Sepsis Cases in Pediatric Oncology Pts., Sara Spence
Developing a Sexual Abuse Nursing Team for a Michigan Healthcare System, Jessica Steeples
Educational Intervention for HIV Care in Internal and External Correctional Facilities, Kate Summers
Increasing Access and Engagement to Patient Portals, Stephanie Suttschenko
Improving New Nurse Orientation by Increasing Preceptor Education and Guidance, Devin Warnecke
Fan Therapy, Haley Warthman
Implementing Sexual Health Education in Young Adult Cancer Patients, Michelle Y. West
Submissions from 2020
Improving the Role and Skills of the Nurse Practitioner in the Emergency Department, Kayla Adams
Earlier Palliative Care Referral for Oncology Patients, Karli Amick
Implementation of TeleHealth to Surgical Services, Tess Barnhart
Incorporation of Telemedicine at a Rural Orthopedic Practice, Kimberly Bernacki
Treatment of Pectus Carinatum via Telemedicine, Kristin Brausch
Human Trafficking Victims in Jail, Courtney Brown
Screening for Human Trafficking in the Emergency Department, Melissa Collins
Targeting Sexual Abuse/Maltreatment in Children with Disabilities, Afrika Davis
Development of a Forensic Informatics Application: Death Investigation Electronic Record, Shaunna DeLorie and Michael Gigis
The Lasting Impact of Trauma, Wendy Susan Dunn
Combating Human Sex Trafficking Within the 21c Museum Hotel: An Education Proposal, Danielle Faulconer
Empowering the Diabetic Patient, Christina Hartley
The Design and Development of the Role of the Hospital-Based Forensic Nurse Consultant, Kate Johnson
Leaders, Take Action: Becoming a Caregiver During Crisis, Kelli King
Screening Adolescents at High Risk for Sexual Exploitation, Brittany Kohorst
Child Sexual Abuse: Predictor of Socially Unacceptable Behavior?, Samantha Lantz
Human Trafficking: An Educational Project, Rene Lynn Madison
Deprescribing in Terminal Illness: The Role of the Hospice Nurse, Stephanie Meyer
Improving Patient Satisfaction by Decreasing Preoperative Wait Time, Michelle Peterman
Creation and Implementation of an Elder Abuse Screening Tool, Christopher Sanders
The LOSS Team and the Survivors, Katie Spring Schraub
An Informatics Analysis of Downtime Preparedness, Melissa Scott
Nurses Role in Increasing Prosecution of Perpetrators Who Abuse People With Developmental Disabilities, Joanne Spicer
Tailored Education for Patients with Heart Failure, Justin M. Sturm-Easton
Dietary and Lifestyle Interventions for Symptoms Improvement in Chronic Inflammatory Conditions, Amanda Twardzik
Male Sexual Assault Victims and the Male SANE, Jacob Voigtmann
Telephonic Nurse Case Management Hand-washing Protocol, Leslie Zucker