Mathematics Syllabi
Syllabi from 2021
MATH 222-01 Applied Linear Algebra (Fall 2021)
Minerva Catral
MATH 225 Foundations of Higher Mathmatics (Fall 2021)
Dena Morton
MATH 230-01 Calculus (Fall 2021)
David Gerberry
MATH 256 Introduction to Probability and Statistics (Fall 2021)
Ryan Miller
MATH 300-01 History of Mathematics (Fall 2021)
Daniel Otero
MATH 311-01 Probability Theory (Fall 2021)
Grigory Sokolov
MATH 330 Graph Theory (Fall 2021)
Esmeralda Nastase
Syllabi from 2020
MACS 101 Introduction to Actuarial Science (Spring 2020)
Max Buot
MATH 105-03 Fundamentals of Mathematics (Spring 2020)
Andrew Hill
MATH 110-01-02 Math (Spring 2020)
Bernd Rossa
MATH 116-01-02 Elementary Statistics (Spring 2020)
Amy Buot
MATH 116-02-03-04 (Spring 2020)
Mark Davis
MATH 120-01 Elementary Functions (Spring 2020)
Andrew Hill
MATH 120-02 Elementary Functions (Spring 2020)
Andrew Hill
MATH 120-03-04 Elementary Functions (Spring 2020)
Daniel Otero
MATH 120-05 Elementary Functions (Spring 2020)
Andrew Hill
MATH 125 Personal Finance (Spring 2020)
Shelia Doran
MATH 140-01 Concepts of Calculus (Spring 2020)
Daniel Otero
MATH 140-02 Concepts of Calculus (Spring 2020)
Chris Staat
MATH 140-04-05 Concepts of Calculus (Spring 2020)
Mark Davis
MATH 140-06-09 Concepts of Calculus (Spring 2020)
Hem Joshi
MATH 156-03-04 General Statistics (Spring 2020)
Amy Buot
MATH 158 General Statistics II (Spring 2020)
Max Buot
MATH 169-01 Precalculus (Spring 2020)
Jake Lennon
MATH 210-01-02 Business Statistics (Spring 2020)
Chris Staat
MATH 212 Geometry and Measurement MCED (Spring 2020)
Shelia Doran
MATH 220 Multivariable Calculus (Spring 2020)
Bernd Rossa
MATH 230-01 Differential Equations (Spring 2020)
Hem Joshi
MATH 391 393 Mathematics Seminar I and II (Spring 2020)
Bernd Rossa
MATH 116 Elementary Statistics (Summer 2020)
Amy Buot
MATH 125-ONL Women in Mathematics (Summer 2020)
Shelia Doran
MATH 140 Concepts of Calculus (Summer 2020)
Hem Joshi
MATH 156-02 General Statistics (Summer 2020)
Mark Davis
MATH 105-03 Fundamentals of Mathematics (Fall 2020)
Mark Davis
MATH 105-04 Fundamentals of Mathematics (Fall 2020)
Andrew Hill
MATH 105 Fundamentals of Mathematics (Fall 2020)
Andrew Hill
MATH 116-02-05 Elementary Statistics (Fall 2020)
Mark Davis
MATH 120-05 Elementary Functions (Fall 2020)
Daniel Otero
MATH 120-06-08-09 Elementary Functions (Fall 2020)
Aqeeb Sabree
MATH 120-07 Elementary Functions (Fall 2020)
Daniel Otero
MATH 120 Elementary Functions (Fall 2020)
Andrew Hill
MATH 125 Personal Finance (Fall 2020)
Shelia Doran
MATH 140-03-10 Concepts of Concepts (Fall 2020)
Mark Davis
MATH 140 Concepts of Calculus (Fall 2020)
Hem Joshi
MATH 140 Concepts of Calculus (Fall 2020)
Shelia Doran
MATH 156-01-05 General Statistics (Fall 2020)
Chris Staat
MATH 169-01 Precalculus (Fall 2020)
Aqeeb Sabree
MATH 169-02 Precalculus (Fall 2020)
Chris Staat
MATH 170-02 Calculus I (Fall 2020)
Hem Joshi
MATH 211 Mathematics for Education Teachers (Fall 2020)
Carla Gerberry
MATH 225 Foundations of Higher Mathematics (Fall 2020)
Dena Morton
MATH 360-01 Point-set Topology (Fall 2020)
Daniel Otero
Syllabi from 2019
MACS 101 Introduction to Actuarial Science (Spring 2019)
Roy Bower
MACS 201 Actuarial Mathematics (Spring 2019)
Grigory Sokolov
MATH 105-01 Fundamentals of Mathematics (Spring 2019)
Andrew Hill
MATH 105-02 Fundamentals of Mathematics (Spring 2019)
Andrew Hill
MATH 105-03 Fundamentals of Mathematics (Spring 2019)
Andrew Hill
MATH 105-04 Fundamentals of Mathematics (Spring 2019)
Andrew Hill
MATH 105-05 Fundamentals of Mathematics (Spring 2019)
Stephen Colegate
MATH 116-01-02 Elementary Statistics (Spring 2019)
Roy Bower
MATH 116-03 Elementary Statistics (Spring 2019)
Mark Davis
MATH 116-04 Elementary Statistics (Spring 2019)
Amy Buot
MATH 120-01-02 Elementary Functions (Spring 2019)
Mark Davis
MATH 120-03-04-05 Elementary Functions (Spring 2019)
Amanda Schwallie
MATH 140-03-04 Concept of Calculus (Spring 2019)
Eric Bucher
MATH 156-01 General Statistics (Spring 2019)
Max Buot
MATH 156-02-03 General Statistics (Spring 2019)
Mark Davis
MATH 156-04-05-06 General Statistics (Spring 2019)
Amy Buot
MATH 158-01-02 General Statistics II (Spring 2019)
Grigory Sokolov
MATH 169-01 Precalculus (Spring 2019)
Amanda Schwallie
MATH 170-02 Calculus I (Spring 2019)
Chris Staat
MATH 171 Calculus II (Spring 2019)
David Gerberry
MATH 202 Mathematics: Geometry (Spring 2019)
Carla Gerberry
MATH 214 Mathematics: Logic (Spring 2019)
Carla Gerberry
MATH 225-01 Foundations of Higher Mathematics (Spring 2019)
Dena Morton
MATH 257-01 Data Modeling (Spring 2019)
Max Buot
MATH 301-01 Geometry (Spring 2019)
Eric Bucher
MATH 370 Real Analysis (Spring 2019)
David Gerberry
STAT 210-01-02 Business Statistics (Spring 2019)
Chris Staat
STAT 210-03-04 Business Statistics (Spring 2019)
Holly Kaminski
STAT 210-05-06-ONL Business Statistics (Spring 2019)
Holly Kaminski
MATH 105-01 Fundamentals of Mathematics (Fall 2019)
Mark Davis
MATH 105-02 Fundamentals of Mathematics (Fall 2019)
Aqeeb Sabree
MATH 105-03-06 Fundamentals of Mathematics (Fall 2019)
Jake Lennon
MATH 116-01-02 Elementary Statistics (Fall 2019)
Holly Kaminski
MATH 116-01 Elementary Statistics (Fall 2019)
Hem Joshi
MATH 116-02 Elementary Statistics (Fall 2019)
Mark Davis
MATH 116-05-06-07 Elementary Statistics (Fall 2019)
Amy Buot
MATH 120-01 Elementary Functions (Fall 2019)
Andrew Hill
MATH 120-02 Elementary Functions (Fall 2019)
Andrew Hill
MATH 120-06-07 Elementary Functions (Fall 2019)
Jake Lennon
MATH 120-08 Elementary Functions (Fall 2019)
Daniel Otero
MATH 120-09 Elementary Functions (Fall 2019)
Daniel Otero
MATH 125 Personal Finance (Fall 2019)
Shelia Doran
MATH 125 The Art and Code of Mathematics (Fall 2019)
Esmeralda Nastase
MATH 140-01 Concepts of Calculus (Fall 2019)
Mark Davis
MATH 140-03-04 Concepts of Calculus (Fall 2019)
David Gerberry
MATH 140-05 Concepts of Calculus (Fall 2019)
Andrew Hill
MATH 140-06 Concepts of Calculus (Fall 2019)
Andrew Hill
MATH 140-07 Concepts of Calculus (Fall 2019)
Chris Staat