Faculty Scholarship | Management and Entrepreneurship | Xavier University


Submissions from 2015


The Impact of Home Country Institutions on New Venture Export: Examining New Ventures in Transition Economies, Mina Lee, Xiaoli Yin, Seunghyun Lee, David H. Weng, and Michael W. Peng

Submissions from 2014


Enabling Entrepreneurial Minds: Using Appreciate Inquiry as a Pedagogical Tool for Uncovering Self-Awareness and for Generating Constructivist Learning, Rashmi H. Assudani and Lynda Kilbourne


Innovation: Creating New Products and Services, Rashmi H. Assudani and L. Laning


Becoming the Evidence-Based Manager: Making the Science of Management Work for You, Tamara L. Giluk


The Research-Practice Gap in HR: A Cross-Cultural Study, Tamara L. Giluk, Aino Tenhiälä, Sven Kepes, Cristina Simon, In-Sue Oh, and Seongsu Kim


Achieving Success in Nonprofit Organizations, L. J. Laning and Timothy Kloppenborg


Managing Supply Chain Projects: Differences Between Japanese and American Managers, Daewoo Park, Hema Krishnan, and Mee-Shew Cheung

Submissions from 2013


“Cost Creep Due to Age Creep” Phenomenon: Pattern Analyses of In-Patient Hospitalization Costs for Various Age Brackets in the United States, Ravi Chinta, David J. Burns, Chris Manolis, and Tristan Nighswander


Economic Recession and Headache-Related Hospital Admissions, Ravi Chinta, MB Rao, V. Narendran, G. Malla, and H. Joshi

Structural Holes and Banner-Ad Click-Throughs, S. D. Hunter and Ravi Chinta


Assessing Experiential Learning Styles: A Methodological Reconstruction and Validation of the Kolb Learning Style Inventory, Chris Manolis, David J. Burns, Rashmi H. Assudani, and Ravi Chinta

Submissions from 2012


Candidate Characteristics Driving Initial Impressions During Rapport Building: Implications for Employment Interview Validity, Murray R. Barrick, Susan L. Dustin, Tamara L. Giluk, Greg L. Stewart, Jonathan A. Shaffer, and Brian W. Swider


Lessons From the Field:Teaching a Completely Online Global Business Course to African Refugees in Northern Kenya and Malawi, Ravi Chinta, K. Brands, M. Beattie, V. Faustino-Pullman, B. Kelleher, and S. Wheeler


Teaching Social Entrepreneurship: Arts Management With a Community Engaged Perspective, Thomas Clark and Julie Stewart


I-O Psychologists and Intelligence Research: Active, Aware, and Applied, Tamara L. Giluk, B. E. Postlethwaite, and F. L. Schmidt


Elephant and Samurai: Differences between Indian and Japanese Supply Chain Management, Daewoo Park, Hema Krishnan, Ravi Chinta, Rashmi H. Assudani, and Mina Lee

Submissions from 2011


The Effect of Pedagogy on Students’ Perceptions of the Importance of Ethics and Social Responsibility in Business Firms, Rashmi H. Assudani, Ravi Chinta, and Chris Manolis


The Effect of Pedagogy on Students' Perceptions of the Importance of Ethics and Social Responsibility in Business Firms, Rashmi H. Assudani, Ravi Chinta, Chris Manolis, and David Burns


P&G Is Selling Oxydol!, Melissa Baucus, Sherrie Human, Thomas D. Clark, and David Rosenthal


Lessons from South Park: A Comic Corrective to Environmental Puritanism, Julie Stewart and Thomas D. Clark

Submissions from 2010


Managing Stakeholders for Project Management Success: an Emergent Model of Stakeholders, Rashmi H. Assudani and Timothy Kloppenborg


Projects and Processes for Sustainable Organizational Growth, Ravi Chinta and Timothy Kloppenborg

Submissions from 2009


Dispersed Knowledge Work: Implications for Knowledge Intensive Firms, Rashmi H. Assudani


Ethnic Entrepreneurship: The Distinct Role of Ties, Rashmi H. Assudani


Networking: A Key to Career Communication and Management Consulting Success, Thomas D. Clark


The Importance of Soft Skills in Business Intelligence Implementations, R. Hobeck, Thilini Ariyachandra, and Mark N. Frolick


Successful Project Sponsor Behaviors During Project Initiation: An Empirical Investigation, Timothy Kloppenborg, Chris Manolis, and Deborah Tesch

Submissions from 2008


Critical Success Factors in Business Performance Management: Striving for Success, Thilini Ariyachandra and Mark N. Frolick

Submissions from 2007


IT Project Risk Factors: The Project Management Professional’s Perspective, Debbie Tesch, Timothy Kloppenborg, and Mark N. Frolick