History Syllabi
Syllabi from 2010
HIST 144-06 United States History II (Spring 2010)
Robert Jefferson
HIST 144-08 America since 1865 (Spring 2010)
Frank Rzeczkwski
HIST 144-11 America since 1865 (Spring 2010)
Frank Rzeczkwski
HIST 144-12 America since 1865 (Spring 2010)
Frank Rzeczkwski
HIST 144-13 History of the United States to 1865 (Spring 2010)
Paul O'Hara
HIST 144-14 History of the United States to 1865 (Spring 2010)
Paul O'Hara
HIST 144-15 United States History II (Spring 2010)
Robert Jefferson
HIST 144-16 United States History II (Spring 2010)
Robert Jefferson
HIST 144 History of the United States to 1865 (Spring 2010)
Cathy Collopy
HIST 152-01 Latin American History II (Spring 2010)
Julia O'Hara
HIST 162-01-02 Asian History II: Modern East Asia (Spring 2010)
Dennis Frost
HIST 210-01 Opium: The First War on Drugs (Spring 2010)
Dennis Frost
HIST 210-01 Opium: The First War on Drugs (Spring 2010)
Amy Whipple
HIST 293-01 The Politics of Image-Making (Spring 2010)
John Fairfield
HIST 300 Writing in Public (Spring 2010)
John Fairfield
HIST 311-01 U.S. Cultural History, 1800-1900 (Spring 2010)
Paul O'Hara
HIST 357-01 History of Communication Technologies (Spring 2010)
David Mengel
HIST 384-01 france and Germany 1918-1945 (Spring 2010)
Rachel Chrastil
HIST 385-01 The Cold War, 1945-1991 (Spring 2010)
Alexandra Korros
HIST 406-01 SEM: Cincinnati in the Civil Rights Era (Spring 2010)
Christine Anderson
HIST 429-01 Seminar: Latin America and the United States (Spring 2010)
Julia O'Hara
HIST 105-01 World Civilizations I (Fall 2010)
James Uhrig
HIST 133-01-02 European History I (Fall 2010)
John LaRocca
HIST 133-03-04-13 European History I (Fall 2010)
Amy Whipple
HIST 133-12-14 European History I (Fall 2010)
Phillip Wynn
HIST 133-BL European History I (Fall 2010)
Alexandra Korros
HIST 143-01-04-10-11 Thinking Historically: The History of the United States to 1865 (Fall 2010)
Robert Hill
HIST 143-03-06-08-09 America to 1865 (Fall 2010)
Frank Rzeczkowski
HIST 143-13 US History (Fall 2010)
William Hagedorn
HIST 143-14A US History I (Fall 2010)
Barbara Pittner
HIST 144-02B US History II (Fall 2010)
Barbara Pittner
HIST 151-01-02 Latin American History I (Fall 2010)
Julia O'Hara
HIST 161-01-02-03 Asian History I: Premodern East Asia (Fall 2010)
Ji Hee Jung
HIST 263-01 Jewish Civilization III: Jews and Judaism in the Modern World (Fall 2010)
Barry Kogan
HIST 344-01 Contemporary Latin America (Fall 2010)
Julia O'Hara
HIST 347-01 Modern China (Fall 2010)
James Uhrig
HIST 363-01 Tudor England (Fall 2010)
John LaRocca
HIST 399-BL Green Urbanism and Urban Gardening (Fall 2010)
Kathleen Smythe
HIST 405-01 Seminar: The American Revolutionary Era (Fall 2010)
Karim Tiro
HIST 465-01 Seminar in Modern Russia (Fall 2010)
Alexandra Korros
HIST 471-01 Seminar: The Black Death (Fall 2010)
David Mengel
Syllabi from 2009
HIST 124-09 African History II: African History from c. 1500 (Spring 2009)
Kathleen Smythe
HIST 134-01 European History II (Spring 2009)
David Mengel
HIST 134-03-05 European History II (Spring 2009)
Amy Whipple
HIST 134-04 European History II (Spring 2009)
John LaRocca
HIST 134-06 European History II (Spring 2009)
David Mengel
HIST 134-07-08 European History II (Spring 2009)
Krista Sigler
HIST 134-36 Western Civilization II (Spring 2009)
Daniella Sarnoff
HIST 134-BL European History II 1555-1950s (Spring 2009)
Alexander "Sandy" Korros
HIST 143-84 United States to 1865 (Spring 2009)
Ron Weisbrod
HIST 144-01 U.S. History Since 1865 (Spring 2009)
M. Christine Anderson
HIST 144-03-12 America Since 1865 (Spring 2009)
Frank Rzeczkowski
HIST 144-04 United States History II: The American Experience Since 1865 (Spring 2009)
Robert Jefferson
HIST 144-05 America Since 1865 (Spring 2009)
Frank Rzeczkowski
HIST 144-06 History of the United States since 1865 (Spring 2009)
S. Paul O'Hara
HIST 144-08 Understanding America Historically II: From the Reconstruction… (Spring 2009)
Karim Tiro
HIST 144-09 U.S. History Since 1865 (Spring 2009)
William Hagedorn
HIST 144-10H Understanding America Historically II: From the Reconstruction… - Honors (Spring 2009)
Karim Tiro
HIST 144-11 U.S. History Since 1865 (Spring 2009)
William Hagedorn
HIST 144-13 US History II (Spring 2009)
J. Michael Rhyne
HIST 144-14 History of the United States to 1865 (Spring 2009)
Cathy Collopy
HIST 152-01-02 Latin American History II (Spring 2009)
Julia O'Hara
HIST 162-01-02 Asian History II: Modern East Asia (Spring 2009)
Dennis Frost
HIST 210-01 Historial Methods (Spring 2009)
Dennis Frost
HIST 255 American Environmental History (Spring 2009)
Frank Rzeczkowski
HIST 284-01 African American Detective and Domestic Novels in Twenthieth Century America (Spring 2009)
Robert Jefferson
HIST 300 Writing in Public: Industrialization, Deindustrialization and the Politics of Smokestack America (Spring 2009)
S. Paul O'Hara
HIST 328-01 A History of Jews in the United States (Spring 2009)
Dana Herman
HIST 345 History of Central America (Spring 2009)
Julia O'Hara
HIST 350 Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Exploration (Spring 2009)
Kathleen Smythe
HIST 363-01 Cathedrals Crusaders and Colleges Medieval Civilization 1000-1300 (Spring 2009)
David Mengel
HIST 368-01 English Reformation (Spring 2009)
John LaRocca
HIST 407 Practicum in Public History (Spring 2009)
Karim Tiro
HIST 413-01 Seminar: The Great Migration in the U.S. (Spring 2009)
M. Christine Anderson
HIST 433-55 French Society 1870-1945 (Spring 2009)
Daniella Sarnoff
HIST 467-01 Seminar: Soviet and Russian Foreign Policy (Spring 2009)
Alexander "Sandy" Korros
HIST 105-01-02 World Civilizations I (Fall 2009)
James Uhrig
HIST 133-01 European History I (Fall 2009)
John LaRocca
HIST 133-02 European History I (Fall 2009)
Phillip Wynn
HIST 133-03-04 European History I (Fall 2009)
Rachel Chrastil
HIST 133-05 European History I (Fall 2009)
Phillip Wynn
HIST 133-06 European History I (Fall 2009)
David Mengel
HIST 133-07 European History I (Fall 2009)
David Mengel
HIST 133-09H European History I - Honors (Fall 2009)
Alexander "Sandy" Korros
HIST 133-10 European History I (Fall 2009)
Phillip Wynn
HIST 133-11 European History I (Fall 2009)
Phillip Wynn
HIST 143-01 History of the United States to 1865 (Fall 2009)
S. Paul O'Hara
HIST 143-02 History of the United States to 1865 (Fall 2009)
Cathy Collopy
HIST 143-03-10 Understanding America Historically I: 1400-1865 (Fall 2009)
Karim Tiro
HIST 143-08 History of the United States to 1865 (Fall 2009)
S. Paul O'Hara
HIST 143-11 U.S. History I (Fall 2009)
David Enders
HIST 143-12 History of United States of 1865 (Fall 2009)
Bruce McClure
HIST 143-14 History of the United States to 1865 (Fall 2009)
S. Paul O'Hara
HIST 143-H Understanding American Historically I: 1400-1865 - Honors (Fall 2009)
Karim Tiro
HIST 151-01-02 Latin American History I (Fall 2009)
Julia O'Hara
HIST 245-01 Cincinnati History and Politics (Fall 2009)
John Fairfield
HIST 260-01 261 Jewish Civiliazation I (Fall 2009)
Michael Cook
HIST 314-01 Africa Since 1945 (Fall 2009)
Kathleen Smythe
HIST 318-01 Postwar America (Fall 2009)
M. Christine Anderson
HIST 340 History of Mexico (Fall 2009)
Julia O'Hara