History Syllabi
Syllabi from 2007
HIST 314 Africa Since 1945 (Spring 2007)
Kathleen Smythe
HIST 346-01 Modern Japan (Spring 2007)
James Uhrig
HIST 357-01 History of Communication Technologies (Spring 2007)
David Mengel
HIST 362 Nationalism in World Cinema (Spring 2007)
Emily Gioielli
HIST 386-01 History of Russia, 1800-1917 (Spring 2007)
Alexandra "Sandy" Korros
HIST 405 The American Revolution (Spring 2007)
Karim Tiro
HIST 414 Topics in Native American History: The Lakota and the United States, 1805 to present (Spring 2007)
Frank Rzeczkowski
HIST 475-01 The New Right in US and Britain (Spring 2007)
Amy Whipple
UNST 100-02 E Plurubus Unum (Spring 2007)
Art Schriberg
HIST 133-81 European History I (Summer 2007)
Alexandra "Sandy" Korros
HIST 144 US History from the end of the Civil War (Summer 2007)
William Hagedorn
HIST 251 551 Technology and Inventions: USA (Summer 2007)
Paul Simon
HIST 335-29 The Sixties (Summer 2007)
John Fairfield
HIST 387 588 History of the USSR (Summer 2007)
Alexandra "Sandy" Korros
HIST 105 World Civilizations I (Fall 2007)
James Uhrig
HIST 123-07 African History I to 1500 (Fall 2007)
Kathleen Smythe
HIST 133-01 European History I (Fall 2007)
Barbara Gibler
HIST 133-02 European History I (Fall 2007)
Emily Giorelli
HIST 133-03-04 European History I (Fall 2007)
Rachel Chrastil
HIST 133 European History I (Fall 2007)
Amy Whipple
HIST 143-01 American to 1865 (Fall 2007)
Frank Rzeczkowski
HIST 143-04 United States History I: The American Experience from Revoluton to Civil War, 1500-1865 (Fall 2007)
Robert Jefferson
HIST 143-05 History of United States to 1865 (Fall 2007)
Bruce McClure
HIST 143-08 American to 1865 (Fall 2007)
Frank Rzeczkowski
HIST 143-10 U.S. History I (Fall 2007)
David Endres
HIST 143-11 Understanding America Historically I: 1400- 1865 (Fall 2007)
Karim Tiro
HIST 143-12 History I: American Expansionism (Fall 2007)
Adrian Gaskins
HIST 143-13 American to 1865 (Fall 2007)
Frank Rzeczkowski
HIST 143-14A US History I (Fall 2007)
Barbara Pittner
HIST 143-19A US History I (Fall 2007)
Barbara Pittner
HIST 143 History of the United States to 1865 (Fall 2007)
S. Paul O'Hara
HIST 143 US History from the Period of Colonization… (Fall 2007)
William Hagedorn
HIST 151 Latin American History I (Fall 2007)
Julia O'Hara
HIST 161-01-02 Asian History I: Premodern East Asia (Fall 2007)
Dennis Frost
HIST 235 Presidential Campaigns in Modern History (Fall 2007)
Gene Beaupre
HIST 235 Presidential Campaigns in Modern History (Fall 2007)
John Fairfield
HIST 235 Presidential Campaigns in Modern History (Fall 2007)
Brendon Cull
HIST 303 The New Nations 1786-1828 (Fall 2007)
Karim Tiro
HIST 310 Social Conflict in Antebellum America (Fall 2007)
M. Christine Anderson
HIST 321-01 The Native American Experience (Fall 2007)
Frank Rzeczkowski
HIST 350-H Globalization: An Interdisciplinary Exploration - Honors (Fall 2007)
Kathleen Smythe
HIST 379 Class and Nation in Modern Britain (Fall 2007)
Amy Whipple
HIST 387-25 Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics (Fall 2007)
John McCann
HIST 408 Constructing the Public (Fall 2007)
John Fairfield
HIST 411-01 United States History Seminar: Race, Reparations, and Reforms: The African American Quest for Freedom in United States History (Fall 2007)
Robert Jefferson
HIST 416 Industry, Technology and Work (Fall 2007)
S. Paul O'Hara
HIST 429-01 Seminar: Latin America and the United States (Fall 2007)
Julia O'Hara
HIST 435 Seminar: The Great War (Fall 2007)
Rachel Chrastil
Syllabi from 2006
HIST 106-01 World Civilizations II (Spring 2006)
James Uhrig
HIST 124 316 African History II / West African History (Spring 2006)
Kathleen Smythe
HIST 134-01-03 European History II (Spring 2006)
Todd Larson
HIST 134-05 European History II Writing Intenstive (Spring 2006)
Todd Larson
HIST 134-07 European History II (Spring 2006)
David Mengel
HIST 134-BL European History II: 1555 to the present (Spring 2006)
Alexandra "Sandy" Korros
HIST 134 European History II (Spring 2006)
John LaRocca
HIST 134 European History II (Spring 2006)
Rachel Chrastil
HIST 143-02 United States History to 1865 (Spring 2006)
M. Christine Anderson
HIST 143-19A US History II (Spring 2006)
Barbara Pittner
HIST 143 U.S. History to 1865 (Spring 2006)
Emily Gioirelli
HIST 144-03 United States History II: The American Experience Since 1865 (Spring 2006)
Robert Jefferson
HIST 144-05 United States History II: The American Experience Since 1865 (Spring 2006)
Robert Jefferson
HIST 144-09 History United States From 1865 (Spring 2006)
Bruce McClure
HIST 144-13 American History Part II (Spring 2006)
Brooke Hollinger
HIST 144-51 United States Since 1865 (Spring 2006)
Barbara Gibler
HIST 144-61 United States Since 1865 (Spring 2006)
Barbara Gibler
HIST 144 History of the United States since 1865 (Spring 2006)
S. Paul O'Hara
HIST 144-H Understanding American Historically II: From the Reconstruction of the South to the Reconstruction of Iraq, 1865-2006 (Spring 2006)
Karim Tiro
HIST 144 U.S. History since 1865 (Spring 2006)
Emily Gioirelli
HIST 144 U.S. History since 1865 (Spring 2006)
William Hagedorn
HIST 152 Latin American History II (Spring 2006)
Julia O'Hara
HIST 154 War and Peace in the Modern World (Spring 2006)
Richard Gruber
HIST 300 Writing in Public (Spring 2006)
John Fairfield
HIST 301 Colonial America, 1607-1754 (Spring 2006)
Karim Tiro
HIST 307 Immigrant America (Spring 2006)
S. Paul O'Hara
HIST 312 Race, War, and Society: The African American Military Experience From the Civil War to the Present (Spring 2006)
Robert Jefferson
HIST 324-01 The African-American Struggle for Equality (Spring 2006)
M. Christine Anderson
HIST 337 British Traveller (Spring 2006)
Todd Larson
HIST 347 Modern China (Spring 2006)
James Uhrig
HIST 363-01 Cathedrals, Crusaders and Colles: Medieval Civilzation, 1000-1300 (Spring 2006)
David Mengel
HIST 419 Seminar: Sounds of History (Spring 2006)
Richard Gruber
HIST 428-01 Semianr: Latin American Revolution (Spring 2006)
Julia O'Hara
HIST 443 English Catholics 1558-1625 (Spring 2006)
John LaRocca
HIST 459 Seminar: France, 1870-1914 (Spring 2006)
Rachel Chrastil
UNST 250 ASLS - Ghana Preparation Seminar (Spring 2006)
Kathleen Smythe
UNST 304 ASLS - Ghana - Service Learning (Spring 2006)
Kathleen Smythe
HIST 133-81 European History I (Summer 2006)
Alexandra "Sandy" Korros
HIST 134 European History II (Summer 2006)
Todd Larson
HIST 241 505-48 Ohio and Kentucky Wars and Battlefields (Summer 2006)
Paul Simon
HIST 287-W1 Baseball and American Culture: History, Literature and Cinema (Summer 2006)
John Fairfield
HIST 335-29 The Sixities (Summer 2006)
John Fairfield
HIST 335-W1 The Sixities: 1945-1975 or The Imperial Presidency Meets Participatory Democracy (Summer 2006)
John Fairfield
HIST 336-W1 566-W1 Movie Knights (Summer 2006)
David Mengel
HIST 336-W1 566-W1 Movie Knights (Summer 2006)
Daniel Hobbins
HIST 387 588 History of the USSR (Summer 2006)
Alexandra "Sandy" Korros
HIST 105 World Civilizations I (Fall 2006)
James Uhrig
HIST 133-03 European History I (Fall 2006)
Rachel Chrastil
HIST 133-08 European History I (Fall 2006)
David Mengel
HIST 133-09 European History I (Fall 2006)
David Mengel
HIST 133-BL European History I (Fall 2006)
Alexandra "Sandy" Korros
HIST 133 European History (Fall 2006)
William Hagedorn