Honors Bachelor of Arts

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The concept of nationalism is one that occupies a prevalent position in many ancient and modern works. Manifestations of such “valuation of the nation-state above all else” in art is often a natural consequence of a patriotic artist’s work. Art provides on opportunity for the artist to express feelings, to educate their audience, and to further their own political agendas. Two such artists that took advantage of the widespread capabilities and audience of art are Titus Livius and Jacques-Louis David. These men recognized the ability of art to inspire passion and to reach the masses, and they used it to their own advantage. Though the two are from widely varying times and cultures, the artists are similar in that the creations of their works serves as a means of promoting their respective nationalistic ideals. In this paper, I plan to explore the inclusion and advancement of those nationalistic political agendas by the artists. This will include an overview of David’s paintings the Oath of the Horati]and the Intervention of the Sabine Women is related to the corresponding passages recorded by Livy and a look at their potentially relatable messages, goals, and the achievement of those goals


Honors Bachelor of Arts



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