Faculty Learning Communities | Xavier University Research | Exhibit

A faculty learning community (FLC) is a cross-disciplinary group of 8 to 12 members, led by one or two facilitators, that engages in a year-long collaboration dedicated to exploring one theme or topic related to teaching and learning within and beyond the university community. These are intended for full-time, teaching faculty whose participation will have direct effects upon student teaching and learning at Xavier. Typically, no more than two members from a single academic department will belong to a learning community. Each FLC will meet regularly (10-12 times throughout the year), guided by key questions and directed towards self-defined results. Some FLCs incorporate off-campus retreats or visits to relevant sites, such as other universities. FLC participants will share these results in a presentation at Xavier and in a digital archive, and in some cases, through external presentations and publications.


Browse the Faculty Learning Communities Collections:

Teaching and Supporting First Year Students

UDL @ XU: Universal Design for Learning