Education Syllabi
Syllabi from 2001
EDCL 510 Statistical Techniquest (Fall 2001)
Gerald Quatman
EDCL 579-45 Psychological and Acheivement Testing (Fall 2001)
Joseph Schroeder
EDCL 629 Intervention Techniques: Behavior Therapy (Fall 2001)
W. Michael Nelson
EDCO 533 Counseling Principles and Techniques (Fall 2001)
William "Bill" O'Connell
EDCO 536 Group Process (Fall 2001)
Brent Richardson
EDCO 537-19 Organizational and Administration of Counseling Services (Fall 2001)
Everett "Pank" Goulet
EDCO 579-22 Psychological and Achievement Testing (Fall 2001)
Margery Shupe
EDCO 631-A4 Seminar: Professional, Counselor Practices (Fall 2001)
Michael Meier
EDCO 631 Professional, Ethical and Legal Issues (Fall 2001)
William "Bill" O'Connell
EDCO 636-82 Career Development and Information Services (Fall 2001)
Lon Kriner
EDCO 640 Family Relations (Fall 2001)
William "Bill" O'Connell
EDCO 642-83 Consulation and Supervision (Fall 2001)
William "Bill" O'Connell
EDCO 669-82L Counseling Laboratory (Fall 2001)
Lon Kriner
EDCO 760 Personality and Abnormal Psychology - Weekend (Fall 2001)
Brent Richardson
EDCO 763 Diagnosis of Psychopathology (Fall 2001)
Brent Richardson
EDCO 764 Counseling and Psychothearpy (Fall 2001)
Margery Shupe
EDCO 773-91P Counseling Practicum (Fall 2001)
Everett "Pank" Goulet
EDEC 210-25 Early Childhood Development (Fall 2001)
Deborah Hess
EDEC 230-55 Play in Early Childhood (Fall 2001)
Mary Lisa Vertuca
EDEC 325-43 Methods of Observation and Collaboration (Fall 2001)
Deborah Hess
EDEC 330-01 Science and Mathematics Methods for Early Childhood (Fall 2001)
Debora Kuchey
EDEC 330-02 Science and Mathematics Methods for Early Childhood (Fall 2001)
Debora Kuchey
EDEC 330 Science and Mathematics Methods for Early Childhood (Fall 2001)
Cynthia Geer
EDEC 335-BL Language Arts/ Social Studies for Early Childhood (Fall 2001)
Lisa Wampler
EDEC 335-BL Language Arts/ Social Studies for Early Childhood (Fall 2001)
Paulette Grady
EDEC 340-01 Integrated Curriculum for Early Childhood Education (Fall 2001)
Debora Kuchey
EDEC 340-84 Integrated Curriculum for Early Childhood (Fall 2001)
Alice Berry
EDEC 340-84 Integrated Curriculum for Early Childhood (Fall 2001)
Crystal Dahlmeier
EDFD 100-15 Introduction to Elementary Education: Field Experience (Fall 2001)
Noel Taylor
EDFD 110-33 Human Development and Learning (Fall 2001)
Joy Nichols
EDFD 110-81 Human Development and Learning (Fall 2001)
John Ortman
EDFD 110-82 Human Development and Learning (Fall 2001)
Andrew Ruffner
EDFD 251-18 Instructional Technology (Fall 2001)
Cynthia "Cindy" Geer
EDFD 251-91 Instructional Technology (Fall 2001)
Cynthia "Cindy" Geer
EDFD 260 Cultural Diversity in Eduacation (Fall 2001)
Winston Vaughan
EDFD 501-81 Philosophy of Education (Fall 2001)
Timothy Riordan
EDFD 501-94 Philosophy of Education (Fall 2001)
Thomas "Tom" Kessinger
EDFD 502-49 History of American Education (Fall 2001)
Thomas "Tom" Kessinger
EDFD 502-82 History of American Education (Fall 2001)
Timothy Riordan
EDFD 503-81-94 Advanced Educational Psychology (Fall 2001)
Robert Stark
EDFD 503-93 Advanced Educational Psychology (Fall 2001)
Lauretta Omeltschenko
EDFD 503 Advanced Educational Psychology (Fall 2001)
Kenneth Durgans
EDFD 503 Advanced Educational Psychology (Fall 2001)
Amanda Leszczuk
EDFD 505-91 Educational Administration (Fall 2001)
James Boothe
EDFD 507 508 Educational Research & Paper (Fall 2001)
Robert "Bob" Townsend
EDFD 507-A3 508-A3 Educational Research & Paper (Fall 2001)
John Wadell
EDFD 510-94 Advanced Human Growth and Development Seminar (Fall 2001)
Thomas Breen
EDFD 560 Cultural Diversity in Education (Fall 2001)
Winston Vaughan
EDHE 168-84 First Aid, Safety and CPR (Fall 2001)
Suzanne Slepitza
EDHE 387-93 Current Issues and Ethics in Health Education (Fall 2001)
Jacki Meyers
EDHR 606 Behaving in Organizations (Fall 2001)
Brenda Gardner
EDHR 606 Behaving in Organizations (Fall 2001)
Sharon Koroth
EDHR 611 Developing HRD Programs (Fall 2001)
Sharon Koroth
EDHR 611 Developing HRD Programs (Fall 2001)
Brenda Gardner
EDHR 612 Facilitating Learning in HRD Programs (Fall 2001)
James Brown
EDHR 612 Facilitating Learning in HRD Programs (Fall 2001)
Dennis Krause
EDMC 345 Introducton to Middle School Collorationg and Classroom Management (Fall 2001)
Debora Kuchey
Syllabi from 2000
EDAD 565-83 School Law (Spring 2000)
Leo Bradley
EDAD 568-91P Supervisory Practicum (Spring 2000)
James "Jim" Boothe
EDAD 660-81 Curriculm Design and Teaching Strategies (Spring 2000)
Leo Bradley
EDAD 760 Computers in Education (Spring 2000)
James Gaffney
EDAD 765 School Law Ii (Spring 2000)
John Concannon
EDAT 250-41P Athletic Traininig Practicum II (Spring 2000)
Brett Massie
EDAT 323-45 Recognition and Evaluation of Internatl Injuries (Spring 2000)
Brett Massie
EDAT 344-21 Therapeutic Exercise (Spring 2000)
Brett Massie
EDAT 450-15P Atheletic Training Practicum IV (Spring 2000)
C.T. Harman
EDAT 495-45 Internship in Athletic Training (Spring 2000)
C.T. Harman
EDCL 510 Statistical Techniques (Spring 2000)
Gerald Quatman
EDCL 629 Intervention Techniques: Behavior Therapy (Spring 2000)
W. Michael Nelson
EDCO 536 Group Process (Spring 2000)
Tina Bayer
EDCO 537-92 Organization and Adminstration of Counseling Services (Spring 2000)
Beth Roeseler
EDCO 579-19 Psychological and Acheivement Testing (Spring 2000)
Peggy Parsons
EDCO 630-81 History and Systems in Agency and Community Counseling (Spring 2000)
Beth Roeseler
EDCO 631-84 Seminar: Professional Counselor Practices (Spring 2000)
Robert Wubbolding
EDCO 634-92 Brief Counseling Interventions (Spring 2000)
Everett Goulet
EDCO 636-82 Career Development and Information Services (Spring 2000)
Lon Kriner
EDCO 638-A1 Cross Cultural Counseling (Spring 2000)
Lauretta Omeltschenko
EDCO 638 Cross Cultural Counseling (Spring 2000)
Brent Richardson
EDCO 640-94 Family Relations (Spring 2000)
Robert Wubbolding
EDCO 663-81 Seminar: Professional Review (Spring 2000)
Al Anderson
EDCO 670-01-02 Field Experience in Counseling (Spring 2000)
Lon Kriner
EDCO 671-01-02 Counseling Internship (Spring 2000)
Lon Kriner
EDCO 765 Crisis Intervention (Spring 2000)
Brent Richardson
EDCO 766 Intervention Skills for the Severely Mentally Disabled (Spring 2000)
Brent Richardson
EDCO 773-82P Counseling Practicum (Spring 2000)
Everett Goulet
EDEC 210-25 Early Childhood Development (Spring 2000)
Crystal Dahlmeier
EDEL 313 Language Arts Block (Spring 2000)
Mary Ann McConnell
EDEL 315 515 Teaching Mathematics (Spring 2000)
Gloria Lane
EDEL 316-BL Math and Science Block (Spring 2000)
Cynthia "Cindy" Geer
EDEL 317 517-82 Teaching Language Arts (Spring 2000)
S. Paulette Grady
EDEL 318 518 Elementary Social Studies: Multicultural Block (Spring 2000)
Winston Vaughan
EDEL 370 Elementary Field Experience (Spring 2000)
Mary Ann McConnell
EDEL 472-8A Curriculum Design and Teaching Strategies (Spring 2000)
Carole Roberts
EDFD 100-15 Introduction to Elementary Education: Field Experience (Spring 2000)
Crystal Dahlmeier
EDFD 110-31 Human Development and Learning (Spring 2000)
Andrew Ruffner
EDFD 110-81 Human Development and Learning (Spring 2000)
Andrew Ruffner
EDFD 110-82 Human Development and Learning (Spring 2000)
Andrew Ruffner
EDFD 142-81 Human Growth and Development II: Practice (Spring 2000)
John Ortman
EDFD 251-91 Instructional Technology (Spring 2000)
Cynthia "Cindy" Geer
EDFD 260 Cultural Diversity in Education (Spring 2000)
Winston Vaughan