Education Syllabi
Syllabi from 2002
EDME 333 533-82 Methods, Curriculum and Assessement in Social Studies (Fall 2002)
Paulette Krapp
EDME 350 550-55-92 Technology and Topics For Educators (Fall 2002)
Thomas "Tom" Kessinger
EDME 351 551-81 Montessori Education: Philosophical Approach (Fall 2002)
Michael Stabile
EDME 352 552 Curriculum Design and Teaching Strategies I: Primary (Fall 2002)
Heidi Larson
EDME 354 554-82 Montessori Language Arts and Reading Methods (Fall 2002)
Ginger McKenzie
EDME 354 554-82 Montessori Language Arts and Reading Methods (Fall 2002)
Jenni Roark
EDME 354 554-82 Montessori Language Arts and Reading Methods (Fall 2002)
Lisa Klus
EDME 359 559-84 Full Day Child Care Methods (Fall 2002)
Phyllis Schomaker
EDME 364 564-83 Early Childhood/ Montessori Methods (Fall 2002)
Melissa Demarkowski
EDME 366 566-82-8A Montessori Curriculum Design and Teaching Strategies: Early Childhood (Fall 2002)
Gina Lofquist
EDME 366 566-82-8A Montessori Curriculum Design and Teaching Strategies: Early Childhood (Fall 2002)
Anne Broderick
EDME 376 576-81 Early Childhood/ Phonic Skills (Fall 2002)
Julie Bossert
EDME 376 576-8A Early Childhood/ Phonics Skills (Fall 2002)
Julia Preziosi
EDME 470 670-03-OAP Montessori Primary I Practicum (Fall 2002)
Martha Torrence
EDME 470 670-03-OAP Montessori Primary I Practicum (Fall 2002)
Laura Callahan
EDME 470 670-03-OAP Montessori Primary I Practicum (Fall 2002)
Lisa Klus
EDME 470 670-03-OAP Montessori Primary I Practicum (Fall 2002)
Ginger McKenzie
EDME 470 670-03-OAP Montessori Primary I Practicum (Fall 2002)
Heidi Larson
EDME 473 673-01-03P Montessori Early Childhood I Practicum (Fall 2002)
Laura Saylor
EDME 473 673-01-03P Montessori Early Childhood I Practicum (Fall 2002)
Gina Lofquist
EDME 552 Curriculum Design and Teaching Strategies I: Primary (Fall 2002)
Julia Preziosi
EDME 670-P Montessori Primay I Practicum (Fall 2002)
Julie Kugler-Ackley
EDPE 193-45 History and Philosophy of Sport and Physcial Education (Fall 2002)
T. Michael Flick
EDPE 269-81-91 Coaching Golf (Fall 2002)
Douglas "Doug" Olberding
EDPE 377-31 Organization and Administration of Health, Physical Education an Atheletic Training (Fall 2002)
Douglas "Doug" Steiner
EDRE 269 Phonics and the Foundations of Literacy (Fall 2002)
Brett Massie
EDRE 312 512-55 Reading Methods for Early Childhood (Fall 2002)
Sally Barnhart
EDRE 312 512-55 Reading Methods for Early Childhood (Fall 2002)
Isaac Larison
EDRE 478 678 Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading (Fall 2002)
Leslie Prosak-Beres
EDRE 478 678 Diagnosis and Remediation of Reading (Fall 2002)
Sally Barnhart
EDRE 569 Phonics and the Foundations of Literacy (Fall 2002)
Leslie Prosak-Beres
EDRE 671 Content Arear Literacy (Fall 2002)
Heidi Larison
EDSM 110-15 Introduction to Sport Management (Fall 2002)
Isaac Larison
EDSM 141-01-02-03 Issues Affecting Student Athletes (Fall 2002)
Douglas "Doug" Olberding
EDSM 322-21 Sport Facility and Event Management (Fall 2002)
Scott Swain
EDSM 348-25 Legal and Ethical Issues in Sport (Fall 2002)
Kimberly Blackwell
EDSM 410-81 610-81 Sport Ethics (Fall 2002)
George Rathman
EDSM 521 Principles of Management in Sport Administration (Fall 2002)
Ronald Quinn
EDSM 522 Sport Administration (Fall 2002)
Daniel Flynn
EDSM 595-92 Health, Physical Education and Sport Studies (Fall 2002)
Ronald Quinn
EDSM 596-93 Sports Administration: Finance (Fall 2002)
Greg Amodio
EDSM 598-92 Legal and Ethical Issues in Sport (Fall 2002)
Anthony Ward
EDSM 662-92 Public Relations and Communication in Sport (Fall 2002)
George Rathman
EDSP 200-55 Identification and Issues (Fall 2002)
Betsy Ross
EDSP 203-53 Communication and Collaboration (Fall 2002)
Lee Hamill
EDSP 205 505-A3 Foundations in Early Childhood Special Education (Fall 2002)
Thomas Breen
EDSP 205-83 Foundations in Early Childhood Special Education (Fall 2002)
Cheryl Brunswig
EDSP 360-81 M/M Characteristics and Strategies (Fall 2002)
Melissa Demarkowski
EDSP 362-92 M/M Support Services (Fall 2002)
Lee Hamill
EDSP 363 563 Assessment and Evaluation (Fall 2002)
Sharon Hawkins
EDSP 365-84 Curriculum Practices: Mild Disabilities (Fall 2002)
Kathleen "Kathe" Kissel
EDSP 367-81 Behavior and Social Skills Management (Fall 2002)
Sharon Merrill
EDSP 374-82 Moderate Disabilities: Curriculum Practices (Fall 2002)
Daniel "Dan" Joyner
EDSP 380-83 Classroom Management (Fall 2002)
Lee Hamill
EDSP 389-84 Adapted Motor Development (Fall 2002)
Tracy Kroger
EDSP 401 601-01P Student Teaching: Practicum Seminar (Fall 2002)
Georgia Phillips
EDSP 500-84 Identification and Issues (Fall 2002)
Linda McKinney
EDSP 503-53 Communication and Collaboration (Fall 2002)
Kathleen "Kathe" Kissel
EDSP 504-83 Reading Assessement and Strategies for Language Processing Problems (Fall 2002)
Thomas Breen
EDSP 560-81 M/M Characteristics and Strategies (Fall 2002)
Christopher Profitt
EDSP 562-92 M/M Support Services (Fall 2002)
Lee Hamill
EDSP 565-84 Curriculum Practices: Mild Disabilities (Fall 2002)
Sharon Hawkins
EDSP 567-81 Behavior and Social Skills Management (Fall 2002)
Sharon Merrill
EDSP 574-82 Moderate Disabilities: Curriculum Practices (Fall 2002)
Daniel "Dan" Joyner
EDSP 580-83 Classroom Mangement (Fall 2002)
Lee Hamill
EDSP 589-84 Adapted Motor Development (Fall 2002)
Jennette Horton
Syllabi from 2001
EDCL 510-81 Statistical Techniques (Spring 2001)
Gerald Quatman
EDCL 629 Intervention Techniques: Behavior Therapy (Spring 2001)
W. Michael Nelson
EDCL 667 Addictive Behaviors (Spring 2001)
Margo Heydt
EDCO 435-S1 Reality Therapy (Spring 2001)
Robert Wubbolding
EDCO 533-49 Counseling Principles and Techniques (Spring 2001)
Peggy Parsons
EDCO 533-93 Counseling Principles and Techniques (Spring 2001)
Brent Richardson
EDCO 536 Group Processes (Spring 2001)
Tina Bayer
EDCO 536 Group Processes (Spring 2001)
Lauretta Omeltschenko
EDCO 573-92 Organzation and Administration of Counseling Services (Spring 2001)
Beth Roeseler
EDCO 579-19 Psychological and Achievement Testing (Spring 2001)
Peggy Parsons
EDCO 630-81 History and Systems in Agency and Community Counseling (Spring 2001)
Margery Shupe
EDCO 631-A4 Seminar: Professional Counselor Practices (Spring 2001)
Lucy Betts
EDCO 634-92 Brief Counseling Interventions (Spring 2001)
Everett "Pank" Goulet
EDCO 636-82 Career Development and Information Services (Spring 2001)
Lon Kriner
EDCO 638 Cross Cultural Counseling (Spring 2001)
Brent Richardson
EDCO 640 Family Relations (Spring 2001)
William "Bill" O'Connell
EDCO 640 Family Relations (Spring 2001)
James "Jim" Lynch
EDCO 669-49L Counseling Lab (Spring 2001)
Robert Wubbolding
EDCO 670-01-02 Field Expericence in Counseling (Spring 2001)
Albert "Al" Anderson
EDCO 671-01-02-03 Counseling Internship (Spring 2001)
Lon Kriner
EDCO 761 Applications of Personality Theories to Clinical Populations (Spring 2001)
Margery Shupe
EDCO 762 Intellectual and Personality Assessment (Spring 2001)
Margery Shupe
EDCO 765 Crisis Intervention - Weekend (Spring 2001)
Brent Richardson
EDCO 766 Intervention Skills for the Severely Mentally Disabled (Spring 2001)
Brent Richardson
EDCO 773-82P Counseling Practicum (Spring 2001)
Everett "Pank" Goulet
EDEC 210-45-55 Early Childhood Development (Spring 2001)
Deborah Hess
EDEC 230-55 Play in Early Childhood (Spring 2001)
Mary Lisa Vertuca
EDEC 325-23 Methods of Observation and Collaboration (Spring 2001)
Deborah Hess
EDEC 330 Science and Mathematics Methods for Early Childhood (Spring 2001)
Cynthia "Cindy" Geer
EDEC 330 Science and Mathematics Methods for Early Childhood (Spring 2001)
Debora Kuchey
EDEC 335-BL Language Arts/ Social Studies: Early Childhood Block (Spring 2001)
Lisa Wampler
EDFD 110-25 Human Development and Learning (Spring 2001)
Andrew Ruffner
EDFD 110-81 Human Development and Learning (Spring 2001)
John Ortman
EDFD 251-81 Instructional Technology (Spring 2001)
Cynthia "Cindy" Geer