Formation of Supermassive Black Hole

Start Date

2023 2:15 PM


Alter Hall Poster Session 1 - 3rd floor


The Star formation model is used in this study to examine the formation of quasars and Supermassive Black Holes (SMBH).The difference in SMBH formation is that materials that fall into the disk surrounding black holes do not contribute to their final mass. Initially, all materials within Schwarzschild's radius (Rs) are drawn into the black hole. However, this changes when a black hole's radius is no longer Rs and becomes a centripetal radius (Rc). Using this information, we can model materials falling into and outside of the black hole to study the mass-time relationship. Then the mass vs time graph can be converted to a redshift graph with prior knowledge of the time (t) and redshift (Z). Further, we used this relationship to relate the BH formation time to the redshift and compare the findings to prior observations.

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Apr 21st, 2:15 PM Apr 21st, 3:00 PM

Formation of Supermassive Black Hole

Alter Hall Poster Session 1 - 3rd floor

The Star formation model is used in this study to examine the formation of quasars and Supermassive Black Holes (SMBH).The difference in SMBH formation is that materials that fall into the disk surrounding black holes do not contribute to their final mass. Initially, all materials within Schwarzschild's radius (Rs) are drawn into the black hole. However, this changes when a black hole's radius is no longer Rs and becomes a centripetal radius (Rc). Using this information, we can model materials falling into and outside of the black hole to study the mass-time relationship. Then the mass vs time graph can be converted to a redshift graph with prior knowledge of the time (t) and redshift (Z). Further, we used this relationship to relate the BH formation time to the redshift and compare the findings to prior observations.