Biology Syllabi
Syllabi from 2000
BIOL 163-04 General Biology Laboratory (Spring 2000)
Mike Gehner
BIOL 163-05-08 General Biology Laboratory (Spring 2000)
Timothy Meier
BIOL 200-11 Microbiology (Spring 2000)
Caroline Chambers
BIOL 201 Microbiology Laboratory (Spring 2000)
BIOL 204 Funcional Neuroscience (Spring 2000)
Heiko Jansen
BIOL 222-41 Immunology (Spring 2000)
Charles Grossman
BIOL 230 Genetics (Spring 2000)
Dottie Engle
BIOL 231 Genetics Lab (Spring 2000)
Mike Gehner
BIOL 250 Ecology (Spring 2000)
Stan Hedeen
BIOL 251 Ecology Laboratory (Spring 2000)
Stan Hedeen
BIOL 330-55 Medical Genetics: Implications (Spring 2000)
Robert Baumiller
BIOL 354-31 Vertebrate Anatomy (Spring 2000)
Caroline Chambers
BIOL 355-01-03 Vertebrate Anatomy (Spring 2000)
Caroline Chambers
BIOL 360 Cell Biology (Spring 2000)
Timothy Meier
BIOL 420-51 421-01 Histology and Lab (Spring 2000)
Randal Morris
BIOL 450-41 Bacteriology (Spring 2000)
Linda Finke
BIOL 451-01-02 Bacteriology Laboratory (Spring 2000)
Linda Finke
BIOL 140-51 Human Anatomy and Physiology (Summer 2000)
Timothy Horan
BIOL 104 Life: The Biology of Wellness (Fall 2000)
Elaine Charters
BIOL 112-84 Life: Growing and Evolving (Fall 2000)
G Petri
BIOL 118-41 Life: The World of Plants (Fall 2000)
Linda Finke
BIOL 119-21 Life Current Topics (Fall 2000)
Charles Grossman
BIOL 120 Life: Ecology and People (Fall 2000)
Stan Hedeen
BIOL 125 Life Investigation Lab (Fall 2000)
BIOL 130-41 Introduction to Life Science (Fall 2000)
Elaine Charters
BIOL 131 Introduction to Life Science Lab (Fall 2000)
Elaine Charters
BIOL 140-11 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Fall 2000)
Timothy Horan
BIOL 141 Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory (Fall 2000)
Mike Gehner
BIOL 141 Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory (Fall 2000)
Linda Heath
BIOL 160 General Biology I (Fall 2000)
Dottie Engle
BIOL 161-01-02 General Biology I Lab (Fall 2000)
BIOL 161-03-04-06 General Biology I Lab (Fall 2000)
Mike Gehner
BIOL 161-05 General Biology I Lab (Fall 2000)
G Jacob
BIOL 161-07-08 General Biology I Lab (Fall 2000)
Timothy Meier
BIOL 161-09 General Biology I Lab (Fall 2000)
Howard Pecquet
BIOL 210-21 General Botany (Fall 2000)
Linda Finke
BIOL 211 General Botany Laboratory (Fall 2000)
Linda Finke
BIOL 240-31 Evolution (Fall 2000)
G Petri
BIOL 244-25 Animal Behavior (Fall 2000)
Timothy Horan
BIOL 410-51 Vertebrate Physiology (Fall 2000)
Lisa Close-Jacob
BIOL 411-01-02-03-04-05 Vertebrate Physiology Laboratory (Fall 2000)
Lisa Close-Jacob
BIOL 460-15 Developmental Biology Lecture (Fall 2000)
Caroline Chambers
BIOL 498 499 Methods in Biological Research (Fall 2000)
Lisa Close-Jacob
Syllabi from 1999
BIOL 112-31 Life: Growing and Evolving (Spring 1999)
G Petri
BIOL 112-35 Life: Growing and Evolving (Spring 1999)
G Petri
BIOL 116-21 Life: Microbes and Humans (Spring 1999)
Elaine Charters
BIOL 120-25 Life: Ecology and People (Spring 1999)
Stanley "Stan" Hedeen
BIOL 120-82 Life: Ecology and People (Spring 1999)
Stanley "Stan" Hedeen
BIOL 127-OA-OC-OH-OIL Life Investigation II Laboratory (Spring 1999)
BIOL 127-OB-OD-OLL Life Investigation II Laboratory (Spring 1999)
G Petri
BIOL 127-OEL Life Investigation II Laboratory (Spring 1999)
BIOL 127-OFL Life Investigation II Laboratory (Spring 1999)
Howard Pecquet
BIOL 127-OG-OIL Life Investigation II Laboratory (Spring 1999)
Elaine Charters
BIOL 127-OLL Life Investigation II Laboratory (Spring 1999)
Phyllis Laine
BIOL 142-11 Anatomy and Physiology II (Spring 1999)
Howard Pecquet
BIOL 142-142-OA-OC-OD-OF-OG-OHL Anatomy and Physiology II Labortory (Spring 1999)
Mike Gehner
BIOL 142-31 Anatomy and Physiology II (Spring 1999)
Lisa Close-Jacob
BIOL 142-OBL Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory (Spring 1999)
BIOL 142-OEL Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory (Spring 1999)
Lisa Close-Jacob
BIOL 162-08L General Biology II Laboratory (Spring 1999)
Timothy Horan
BIOL 162-15 General Biology II (Spring 1999)
Timothy Horan
BIOL 162-35 General Biology II (Spring 1999)
Timothy Horan
BIOL 163-01-03-05-07L General Biology II Laboratory (Spring 1999)
BIOL 163-02-06L General Biology II Laboratory (Spring 1999)
Phyllis Laine
BIOL 163-04L General Biology II Laboratory (Spring 1999)
Mike Gehner
BIOL 200-11 Microbiology (Spring 1999)
Elaine Charters
BIOL 201-L Microbiology Laboratory (Spring 1999)
Phyllis Laine
BIOL 204 Functional Neuroscience (Spring 1999)
Heiko Jansen
BIOL 222-41 Immunology (Spring 1999)
Charles Grossman
BIOL 230-11-41 Genetics (Spring 1999)
Dottie Engle
BIOL 250 Ecology (Spring 1999)
Stanley "Stan" Hedeen
BIOL 251-L Ecology Laboratory (Spring 1999)
Unknown Unknown
BIOL 330-55 Medical Genetics: Implications (Spring 1999)
Robert Baumiller
BIOL 354-31 Vertebrate Anatomy (Spring 1999)
Caroline Chambers
BIOL 355-01-02-03 Vertebrate Anatomy Laboratory (Spring 1999)
Unknown Unknown
BIOL 360 Cell Biology (Spring 1999)
George Jacob
BIOL 420-51 421-01L Histology and Histology Laboratory (Spring 1999)
Randal Morris
BIOL 450-15 Bacteriology (Spring 1999)
Linda Finke
BIOL 451-01-02L Bacteriology Laboratory (Spring 1999)
Linda Finke
BIOL 112-81 Life: Growing and Evolving (Summer 1999)
G Petri
BIOL 125-91 Life Investigation Laboratory (Summer 1999)
G Petri
BIOL 140-51 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Summer 1999)
Timothy Horan
BIOL 142-54 Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory (Summer 1999)
Charles Grossman
BIOL 142 Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory (Summer 1999)
Mike Gehner
BIOL 102 Life: Ecology and People (Fall 1999)
Stanley "Stan" Hedeen
BIOL 104 Life: The Biology of Wellness (Fall 1999)
Elaine Charters
BIOL 112-84 Life: Growing and Evolving (Fall 1999)
G Petri
BIOL 118-41 Life: The World of Plants (Fall 1999)
Unknown Unknown
BIOL 125-OAL Life: Investigation I Laboratory (Fall 1999)
Phyllis Laine
BIOL 125-OB-OE-OH-OKL Life: Investigation I Laboratory (Fall 1999)
G Petri
BIOL 125-OD-OLL Life: Investigation I Laboratory (Fall 1999)
BIOL 125-OFL Life: Investigation I Laboratory (Fall 1999)
Phyllis Laine
BIOL 125-OI-OJL Life: Investigation I Laboratory (Fall 1999)
Howard Pecquet
BIOL 130 Introduction to Life Science (Fall 1999)
Elaine Charters
BIOL 140-11 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Fall 1999)
Timothy Horan
BIOL 140-41 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Fall 1999)
Timothy Horan
BIOL 141-OB-OC-OD-OE-OH-OI-ORL Anatomy and Physiology LaboratoBIOL 141-OB-OC-OD-OE-OH-OI-ORL (Fall 1999)
Mike Gehner
BIOL 160 General Biology I (Fall 1999)
Dottie Engle
BIOL 161-01-07L General Bioloty I Laboratory (Fall 1999)
Phyllis Laine
BIOL 161-02-03L General Bioloty I Laboratory (Fall 1999)